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Do clearomizers improve/mature with age?

If the coil is still firing (you're still getting some vapour and/or that sound of the liquid heating when you fire your battery), it's still intact. If you get no sign of any heating in the coil, it's probably popped and needs replacing (assuming the battery is working/got a charge and the clearo's making a connection with the battery)
Liquid improves with age. the aging process speeds up with more air, heat and UV light.

Typically clearos heat up your liquid, allow light through (as they are generally clear) and you add more air through them as you draw on them. So you're effectively speed steeping e-liquid in a clearomiser and most e-liquid on the market isn't fully steeped when you get it.

Also over time the coil and wicks 'bed in' and improve with age. You often get a 'brand new coil taste' from atomisers. this is sometimes dirt on the coil or wick, maybe some kind of coating on the surface of the wire that burns off as you break it in, Sometimes if your hands were greasy when you install a new coil the wick will soak up (it's a wick, that's what it does) any traces of liquid on your fingers, or maybe the person in the clearo factory that put the clearo together didn't have the cleanest hands in the world.

I agree. I've learned through DIY that tobacco, and most dessert or "cream" flavors get better with time. Some you literally can hardly taste at all just after mixing.

I've also found after building my own heads/wicks, that they always wick, work, and taste better after a little time to "settle in".
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