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Do you always have the same juice?


Oct 17, 2022
I only ask as I'm forever pootling round the vape shops in town (and the pound shops for those little bottles), getting different flavours and switching them round every day or so, having half a dozen bottles on the go at any one time.
I've a shelf at home with 4 shortfills on, and little bottles get refilled from the big ones, and I grab a few before I venture out for the day. And at last count there are about a dozen different ones in the car too, just incase!
Am I weird? Most people I know have one big bottle that they just grab before they set out to the pub.

So quick poll, without doing 'polls' (as I dont know how...), but are you a mixer, or a sticker?
Just in eyesight I see 16 bottles of different flavours. I easily have 5 times that away steeping/waiting for me to get the urge...
I suppose I tend to have about a dozen or so different flavours which I stick to most of the time.
I mainly like to stick to the things that are my first choice favourite flavours. I've got 6 different DIY recipes I mainly stick to plus I have a couple of guest pre-made flavours I bought online. I feel they give me all the variety I need and I'm not really keen on getting a large variety of different flavours because most of them would just end up going to waste.
I have 9 different setups on the table in front of me at the moment, all with different flavours, but they are all fruits. So yes and no.
I have the same custard and the same fruit both on the go at all times and then have four or five different ones depending what I'm in the mood for
55 bottles next to me. 9 mods on the go with various backy and fruits and 2 dedicated mods for my custard.
may only get through 2-5ml of fruits a day but upto 50ml of custard.
Have about 30 different DIY liquids on the go. 2 set ups at work and 2 at home all with different flavours in them. Change to a different flavour almost every day so always rotating. But still seem to suffer from vapers tongue if I vape anything with apple in it. 🤔🤔 Bastard apples !!
Always home brew custard in the blotto
Riot squad hybrid in the goteks
Ske crystal blue razz lemonade in the MD
Ske crystal blueberry raspberry in the luxe xr max

All go to work with me but predominantly vape the xr max in work ....custard accompanies break time coffee

All get vaped randomly at home

Out shopping or whatever just pick 1 of the fruits more pocket friendly
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