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do you see an increase in people out in cars


Mod Maker
Jun 12, 2016
I do

I come from work late at night or early in the morning depending on the shift

but at the start of the lockdown for the first 2 to 3 weeks its was deathly quiet with no traffic but last night and various other days the roads around here (rural community) its like the M1 during the day and last night it was the same as pre lockdown lots of cars on the main roads even worse on the lanes

you cant tell me they are all frontline workers

plus at work, the phrase that does all our heads in is the person had the virus last month, Christmas, last year etc

"I'm immune I had the virus in October 2019 I nearly died...."

I tend not to watch the death broadcast on the telly at 5 pm as it makes me so angry I watch Donald trumps "orange man bad" broadcast as its comedy gold

the news app on my phone is 20 post of COVID and one guy who has fostered 20 North Korean children but every story..... every story....... is COVID

notice my spell checker it capitalises automatically COVID FFS

you see a news story about someone famous who have died automatically you look for "died of COVID-19" like it makes any difference

Not seen anymore cars on the road because I'm one of the people staying at home 6 days a week and only go shopping once a week and I know what you mean about the news especially the apps it got that bad with sky news and the BBC app that I removed them a week or so ago and don't think they will be reinstalled
Google news feed, which is always lurking in the background is the Same, it used to cover stories that I obviously used to search for vaping, football etc, now its covid. All the other feeds are disappearing, its rammed down your throat wherever you look.
Totally, traffic's been on the rise the last few weeks

Start of the lockdown, it was surreal, main road's completely empty. Would walk down the main road near us at 4-5pm every day & it would be dead. Last night walking down it was like rush hour on a Friday

I'd sit here (in the conservatory) of a morning & it would be nice & peaceful with only the birds for company. now I can hear the humm of traffic at 7:30am

Went to Birmingham yesterday to pick up some work & the traffic was only fractionally less than normal

Plenty of dicks on the road too who think speed limits count even less during lockdown

My phone's Newsfeed I can delete stories to follow so CV-19 went after week 2
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If I'm not working late then most days I take my daily walk to my local park and I've noticed more cars on the streets, more people out and about and a general lack of staying at home. Yesterday was the worst by far, roads were back to normal, more people than normal in the park, lots of groups congregating, people meeting up for a chat and even a game of football going on (not all from the same house as I know who they are. Seems people just don't give a fuck any more and are returning to normal life.
Yes, I cant walk down the middle of the road like before, and when I do ride my motorbike SMIDSY's (Sorry mate I didn't see you) have become far more probable once again. Come Monday, when (nearly) everyone will be allowed to sunbathe, picnic, take endless exercise (I suggest endless sex, but not with a back like mine), drive a hundred miles to walk the dog or walk a hundred metres, then drive home, hence, madness will ensue. People will thinks Boris is a lovely chap and Boris gets people to catch covid, which has been the plan all along - whilst protecting the NHS, avoiding the NHS becoming overwhelmed and building herd immunity, because a vaccine won't be available for yonks and who would trust it to work or what was in it anyway.
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