i used to chain smoke, I now chain vape instead, not sure how much nic I get through, on purpose I make some juices up and don't write on the label the nic content, sort of a placebo effect. I can always tell when I'm vaping over 1.5mg though. I generally mix mtl at 1mg and 70/30 at 0.3mg, but mainly mtl these days, I knock up random 0 nic, just for the hell of it. I like to buy 3mg juices as a special treat, tbh I miss the nic not for the nic hit, but for the throat hit and flavour nic supplies, when mtl-ing
Can you imagine having that level of preparedness when you smoked?
Yes, it was called a day trip to Adinkerke, up to 2011 I think it was a 3kg allowance/ guideline, that's a lot of GV. Customs obviously used to check/ know how often you went and might ask you to roll a fag in front of them. They never asked me, or my wife, just as well they never asked her, because she couldn't roll a fag, I merely gave her a tinful and a lighter to carry around. Allowance wise, not sure now, some places say 250g of rolling baccy, other places say 1KG
Tailormades seem to be 200, used to be a 1000. We went twice a year, a drag tbh, because I wouldn't drink alcohol in Belgium, because once I started.. plus I would end up needing a piss every 5 minutes.