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Do you use more juice on a cotton build?


Oct 4, 2013
Hey guys,

just curious if you use more juice when using a cotton wick? I am loving my cotton build.. But i swear i am using alot more juice while vaping the same amount as before...
Ah that is ok then... my usage has gone up by around 30% with the same vaping habits!! Have some ekowool on order.. hopefully that will give good flavour and use less juice... with me and the Mrs both on cotton our usage is waaaay higher lol

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Yep. I don't use cotton that often but I do love certain juices with a cotton wick. Just seems to make them taste fuller with more vapour.
I moved to cotton cos the silica I got from LTeCigs tastes absolutely rank for the first 20mins.. as in unvape-able!

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I've got 2 stainless mesh wicks in my atty & silica in my dripper,when I use cotton in the dripper it can outstrip the attys consumption lol
Do you think if I boil my silica I will get rid of the rank taste??

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