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dont know what they are called if if they have a name?

Love the names. Was going to take a picture of it wicked but pic kept turning out bad. But coil made more sense wicked. Can actually Taste the juice like someone's dripping it in my mouth, clouds ok. Need to perfect the coil more.
Unless they serve a purpose, do they really need a name?
How do they vape?
Is there a reason you or anyone else would want to build one again?

If it is just an outlet for creative urges why limit yourself to shapes involving coils. think mini neon art and set your creative urges free.
I enjoy seeing what works and what doesn't. These 1s are to juicy. They wick perfect on kanger pro RBA. Not sure about them though. Getting to much flavour. Its not spit back i dont know. Hung over need to stick my head in freezer.
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