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double cross screws

Please tell me it's cos of the set ups you use that you go through so much juice?
I couldn't imagine getting through 15-30mls a day ...

Yep, I'm dripping 12 drops of liquid, per ten drags... But, I'm using a mixture of 0mg, 2mg, and 6mg liquid.

0mg for chilling out with a nice flavour, 2mg for everyday use, and 6mg for "I want to kill someone" moments. :P
Don't forget Gonloopy we're only on 4mg nic, and lots of vg, plus 40 - 70 watts tends to go through a fair amount of juice.
Ah ok, thanks,
I wasn't really thinking about the nic content so much I was just curious. I think if I vaped continuously for 24 hours, -I don't think I would get through 30mls, and couldn't figure how you did it!!

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Lol, guess my 10-15ml per day of 15mg is still excessive compared to other's usage. Though my 'driving instructor' duties are probably why I've had to increase the nicotine content on this last batch of mixing.

Sent by lazer from just north of the world's largest nuclear dustbin
Not even a week in and you've broken it?

You'll make a brilliant engineer :D :p
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