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RDA's fused shut from not being used- how to get them apart.

Hi everyone, as you know I took a long break from the forum and this also meant that I was not maintaining my mod and atty collection.

Today I tried to use a velocity RDA to build a dual coil build a bit lower in resistance than I usually would, but even screwed onto a mod I can't pull it apart to get to the build deck.

This made me check my other RDA's, and out of all of them all but 2 will come apart. My RTA's are all fine though, they will come apart but these are obviously screwed together and not just pull apart like an RDA.

What can I do to separate the parts that have seized together? I gather it is a mixture of eliquid and general grime that builds up on metal causing this.

Thanks for your help, Conan.
Warm them up with hot water. Then put them on your atty stand, or like me a dead mod. (The suggestion you use a hybrid tube mech 510 is inspired)Then, using rubber gloves, gently work the two till they separate.
Warm them up with hot water. Then put them on your atty stand, or like me a dead mod. (The suggestion you use a hybrid tube mech 510 is inspired)Then, using rubber gloves, gently work the two till they separate.
Thanks for the suggestion, I ended up soaking them in hot water with washing up liquid in for a few hours, then I managed to get them apart whilst having them on an old mod.

The copper Derringer RDA was disgusting inside, I have had to give it a really good scrub along with the others, but none are now stuck fused shut.
Thanks for the suggestion, I ended up soaking them in hot water with washing up liquid in for a few hours, then I managed to get them apart whilst having them on an old mod.

The copper Derringer RDA was disgusting inside, I have had to give it a really good scrub along with the others, but none are now stuck fused shut.
Yep. I’ve a pukka Deringer, just like the copper kennady, it gets well manky if you don’t clean it after every use.

Oddly it my 25mm Asgard that is most prone to gumming up.
Old orings the rubber can go hard and brittle even clean with juice on then they can be difficult to remove, till you fit new ones.
Yep. I’ve a pukka Deringer, just like the copper kennady, it gets well manky if you don’t clean it after every use.

Oddly it my 25mm Asgard that is most prone to gumming up.
Well I did have 3 derringers, but for some reason can only find the two plastic top caps and metal air flow ring, and not the actual build decks! I had a copper one installed on a small 18350 mech with a recessed top so the atomiser sits halfway in that I hadn't used in a long time so only had the copper one left.

I wonder why the copper one is prone to getting so manky? I am talking things were growing off the screws on the build deck manky! And they aren't even copper.

I've never had a Kennedy, one RDA I never got round to getting, not even a clone. I heard good things about them though and like the way they look with the bottom airflow.

Old orings the rubber can go hard and brittle even clean with juice on then they can be difficult to remove, till you fit new ones.
This could well be what happened as well as the grime build up- I haven't actually changed the O-rings yet but have plenty of them from all the RDA's and RTA's I have bought (a lot of clones I must admit, although my favourites I do own the genuine ones and got the clones to compare).

They seem OK now, but if I find one a bit tricky I will try changing the O-rings out, thanks for the tip!
For long term storage its probly better leaving the RDA's barrel off, once they deform and get a flat side to them, they'll always be a struggle to get off.
Just my limited experience with orings and pneumatics and spring pistons. There an amazing thing really.
Well I did have 3 derringers, but for some reason can only find the two plastic top caps and metal air flow ring, and not the actual build decks! I had a copper one installed on a small 18350 mech with a recessed top so the atomiser sits halfway in that I hadn't used in a long time so only had the copper one left.

I wonder why the copper one is prone to getting so manky? I am talking things were growing off the screws on the build deck manky! And they aren't even copper.

I've never had a Kennedy, one RDA I never got round to getting, not even a clone. I heard good things about them though and like the way they look with the bottom airflow.

This could well be what happened as well as the grime build up- I haven't actually changed the O-rings yet but have plenty of them from all the RDA's and RTA's I have bought (a lot of clones I must admit, although my favourites I do own the genuine ones and got the clones to compare).

They seem OK now, but if I find one a bit tricky I will try changing the O-rings out, thanks for the tip!
On the Derringer. I got some orings a while back. Took some finding, I can tell you.

I think it’s the oxidation of copper that is the problem. The manky gop is envssive. A bit like steel and aluminium, corrosion only green.
I actually love the Kennedy 24. Cleaning it after use, not so much.
If you've had atomizers soaking remember to take out the 510 pin and insulator out and dry them. Easy way to get a atomizer short with water in there.
I was wrestling with a stuck atty myself yesterday, ended up getting some mulgrips on one side and a bit of sponge cloth on the other (quite grippy those sponge cloths). 'Strap Wrenches' are actually good for unding atties...good to know a soak in some soapy water works though. Used one at someone's house once...worked a treat. Been meaning to get one for about 3 years.
@conanthewarrior where did you find O rings for your derringer by the way? i've got an old clone that i have a lot of affection for. was a stealth vape for aeroplanes on an 18350 paps mech tube mod. loved that set up, even had a little paps holster so i could mount it to my utility belt lol . all fasttech clones but sill treasured today :)
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