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Dripbox 160 replacement bottle?

cheltenham cat

Sep 6, 2015
Decided to have a dabble, so the bairn has ordered me a 160 for christmas in the sales. Reviews seem pretty positive(i'll be ditching the RDA for a dead rabbit) however the bottles seem to get a bad press. Is there a decent replacement that doesnt involve a whole lot of fannying on?
thanks but wanted something other than the authentic as theres some negativity around them particularly on them tainting the vape and being a bit stiff
I can say that I’ve never had an issue with Dripbox bottles tainting the vape. Stiff, I’ll grant you though and they have a tendency to split after a while as well, but your progeny will be perfectly safe using them til something better comes along.
I can say that I’ve never had an issue with Dripbox bottles tainting the vape. Stiff, I’ll grant you though and they have a tendency to split after a while as well, but your progeny will be perfectly safe using them til something better comes along.
thanks for that information......... the progeny is only purchasing it to give me for christmas, mind she tarried til such time as the silver was out of stock so i will have to go with black and a non matching silver dead rabbit
Unless you have a 22mm version of the Dead rabbit it is going to have a pronuced overhang.
I use mines with a Geekvavpe tsunami with a black windowed topcap and it sits flush to the front of the mod.
I've got one of these coming too, going to give the top that comes with it a try. Seen as many people say the tops that come with it are fine as I've seen people who didn't like them.
I have had no problem either with the supplied bottles. Like already said the dead rabbit is a little big for the dripbox but if overhang doesn't bother you then fuck it they would make a great vaping combo. I will dump mine on after work so you can see.
The over hang isn’t that bad

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