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Dripping Desserts, Primevapes & another

Vaped Crusader

Apr 15, 2013
Wow, so long since anyone posted a review, this place needs livening up. Sadly, I don't have the time to do a proper review with in depth analysis so this'll have to do........

Dripping Desserts Rice Pudding and Custard

Wow. Fucking stunning. It was so nice straight out of the bottle that I had to stop what I was doing and bash one out on the spot. Which didn't go down to well in the veg aisle in Tesco's.

Dripping Desserts Gingerbread Custard

Not a harsh Ginger, a rounded, creamy one with an almost icing sugar sweetness on the exhale. Luckily I wasn't in Tesco's at the time but it turns out the court order covered their car park.

Primevapes Custard Golden Sponge

Give it a steep, you won't regret it. It's pukka. So much so that it made me moist 'down there'........Lee is the King of Custards. And a few other things but let's not discuss that here ;)

Wick Liquor Kurimu Yoghurt - Apricot

Very rich, deep, sweet and authentic Apricot. A nice, no, an awesome change of pace from desserty type liquids (Just Jam Apricot Crumble isn't bad either but this edges it)

There you go. Laters.
Primevapes Custard Golden Sponge

Give it a steep, you won't regret it. It's pukka. So much so that it made me moist 'down there'

Did you piss yourself or are you a female?

Nonetheless, I like the review, there's no need to waffle on endlessly :2thumbsup:
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