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Dripping on Mesh

There is a guy that goes to the LSE meets who always drips on mesh, doesn't like anything else, don't think he is on here though.
Alright well cool. Thanks all. As always you have been a big help [: I think I'll give it a go.

Sent from my Prism II using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
I have a few different RDA's,and the only one I'd consider trying mesh wicks with would be the Origen clone as it has really deep drip wells.I saw a YouTube video of a mesh setup on an RDA,with the mesh curled round the meagre well & thought I'd give it a try.It was shit as the mesh didn't hold much juice & thus I was adding more juice after every toke.I have a few RBA's where I can use mesh easily,so I do.All my RDA's are Voodoo Wool 4mm,as this material holds lots of juice and if I inadvertently take a dry hit,unlike cotton wool I can still continue to breathe instead of coughing up both lungs.
I run my Luxe dripper on mesh. Takes about 10 drops of juice and vapes fine.

5miley,it that just rolled mesh or does it have something running through it ?
Also have any of you tried a genesis type build in a dripper ? I've some ss rope coming tomorrow(fingers crossed)which will be mainly for my kraken,but the thought occured to me why not do a ss rope/mesh build and put a wad of cotton wool under the exposed ss rope to act as a juice holder.Not sure if it'll work,but i always build my drippers with a nano coil sitting on top of cotton wool and they work extremely well.

Just rolled mesh with a hollow centre.
Bear in mind that when you bend the mesh wick, make sure there are no kinks
Kinks in the mesh will impede wicking ability

Not tried SS rope in a dripper. I find SS rope to be a PITA .... cutting and preventing frayed bits sticking out

Just rolled mesh with a hollow centre.
Bear in mind that when you bend the mesh wick, make sure there are no kinks
Kinks in the mesh will impede wicking ability

Not tried SS rope in a dripper. I find SS rope to be a PITA .... cutting and preventing frayed bits sticking out

when i used to use rope i found my wifes nail clippers to be immensely effective at neating up those frays.
when i used to use rope i found my wifes nail clippers to be immensely effective at neating up those frays.
Pair of knipex electrical side cutters
Cut near the blades join
Clean cut and no frays
Also torch the feck out of it

Sent from (who cares) using Planet of the Vapes
Tried sheet metal shears, toenail clippers and a Dremel with cutting disk
They always end up looking like a bog brush

I give up :whiteflag:
Tried sheet metal shears, toenail clippers and a Dremel with cutting disk
They always end up looking like a bog brush

I give up :whiteflag:

I honestly have not had that prob with ss rope......
I torch a length before I cut to take the tension out get it dull red...
rope I use is this ... 316 7x7 Stainless Steel Wire / Rope
and knipex 70-180 bevel edge electrical sidecutters
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