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Nov 23, 2015
Were not posting any order's today, We feel a little guilty...
This weekend, to make up for our "no post Friday" we are laying on a cheeky 20% off code!

You may have noticed early in the week the reductions on some of the USA liquids we stock, there is only a very limited amount of them left now and the prices will stay reduced, you can enjoy this discount code on top of those ridiculously low prices! As a little example, the popular Anachist liquids can be bagged for just £13.00 per 60ml!
Maybe it's time to try out our
Sunday Split?
With a 20% discount.

Banana split with a twist, Caramelised banana's laid on a bed of Neapolitan ice cream, a generous drizzle of chocolate sauce, lashings of whipped cream and topped with fresh cherries.

Get me some!
One shot concentrates
Don't miss out.

Watermelon, ice and menthol. lightly sweetened, a ideal all day vape. We have listened, extra "freeze" has now been added to this blend due to popular demand.

Get me some!
So what's the code then?

We like a little humour here at the Dripworx HQ, In honour of some recent events this weeks code is -

Discount code - TRUMP will bag you 20% off Everything, no minimum spend.

As ever, Dripworx products are posted free regardless of value. Everything else is posted free if your cart comes to £30.00 after discount.

Remember, there is no post today.
All orders will be dispatched Monday morning as usual.
Are these liquids best for dripping as per the name or are they any good in a tank?
I only MTL vape
Are these liquids best for dripping as per the name or are they any good in a tank?
I only MTL vape

I would say they are best in a rda or rta at quite a high wattage, but I can't think why they wouldn't work in a mtl setup as long as you rta could handle the wicking of the high vg liquid. tanks like a nautilus would struggle

out of interest what flavours were you looking at??
I came across the fromage frais after searching for yoghurt and big cheese caught my eye too.
I've found sometimes sub ohm dripper liquid flavours can seem slightly muted in an mtl tank
I'm not really looking for clouds, just flavour

[edit] Tabac Gold Blend sounds like it might be really nice too with the caramel & pistachios
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I came across the fromage frais after searching for yoghurt and big cheese caught my eye too.
I've found sometimes sub ohm dripper liquid flavours can seem slightly muted in an mtl tank
I'm not really looking for clouds, just flavour

[edit] Tabac Gold Blend sounds like it might be really nice too with the caramel & pistachios

nice choices there mate, what setup do you use, if you dont mind me asking??
I'll tag Lee @Dripworx he may be able to help a little further
I keep finding myself going back to a Kayfun Lite+ v2. It's been my daily driver now for ages
I haven't purchased anything new for a while now as I was just wasting money.

I've run out of my stash of juice (mainly Boba's) and started searching for something new as a lot of old flavours are no longer made.

It's a shame there aren't many vendors offering small samples as forking out over ten pounds just to see if a particular flavour is enjoyable can get rather expensive.
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I keep finding myself going back to a Kayfun Lite+ v2. It's been my daily driver now for ages
I haven't purchased anything new for a while now as I was just wasting money.

I've run out of my stash of juice (mainly Boba's) and started searching for something new as a lot of old flavours are no longer made.

It's a shame there aren't many vendors offering small samples as forking out over ten pounds just to see if a particular flavour is enjoyable can get rather expensive.

that the bobas bounty stuff or the jazzy boba line?? as If I'm right, think they both are of a high vg base,
I'm thinking that the Dripworx stuff will work in your tank, Lee should get the tag in the morning and should be able to confirm
Yeah it was the bobas bounty stuff.
But although it says max vg I've found it to be quite runny(?) and not as viscous as some other vg liquids I've tried which don't flow well and give dry hits unless I pull *really* hard between hits to try to soak the wick.
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