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Yeah it was the bobas bounty stuff.
But although it says max vg I've found it to be quite runny(?) and not as viscous as some other vg liquids I've tried which don't flow well and give dry hits unless I pull *really* hard between hits to try to soak the wick.

I think you'll be fine with it in your setup if you've been vaping that, and I think the tabac gold blend, has been made at a 70/30 blend before, Lee may be persuaded

( @Dripworx what do you think couple posts up)
Can he be persuaded to make smaller bottles too? lol
£30 is a lot to spend to see if I like 3 flavours and if they're strong enough
Can he be persuaded to make smaller bottles too? lol
£30 is a lot to spend to see if I like 3 flavours and if they're strong enough

I personally think its worth the punt, for me they are full of flavour and worth every penny imo
I personally think its worth the punt, for me they are full of flavour and worth every penny imo
Well I have them in my basket, but I'll wait for confirmation if they can be made 70/30.

I'm just a little weary as I've wasted so much money in the past
There's certain flavours i've found to be unvapeable or simply lacking in flavour
Off the top of my head I remember trying chefs RY4 and ginger rogers but found them to be nasty, i think it was the vanilla notes *shrug*. There were lots of others, but I don't remember all the names

Thanks very much for the helpful advice mate :)
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Well I have them in my basket, but I'll wait for confirmation if they can be made 70/30.

I'm just a little weary as I've wasted so much money in the past
There's certain flavours i've found to be unvapeable or simply lacking in flavour
Off the top of my head I remember trying chefs RY4 and ginger rogers but found them to be nasty, i think it was the vanilla notes *shrug*. There were lots of others, but I don't remember all the names

Thanks very much for the helpful advice mate :)

your welcome

just to let you know the only ones he will consider making in 70/30 are the tobacco range, which are excellent
I think you'd be surprised how much flavour is packed into these high vg juices
Sorry guys, only just seen this!

What MG nicotine are you using? The reason i ask is the tobacco flavours in 12mg and above come as standard in 70vg.

With regards to the other flavours and wicking in a kayfun v2, i wouldnt suggest that, they are very thick liquids.

The issue with mixing stuff to order is that it will arrive unsteeped and bland, i just like to know that everything we send out is at its best and ready to vape.
Thanks for the reply :)
I'm vaping 6-8mg at the moment
No worries buddy, from what you have explained i wouldnt advise you to just buy some on the strength your kayfun will wick them, it probably wont very well. I would rather not have a sale than have a customer buy a liquid thats not right for them or their setup, its a little bit like selling you a mcdonalds milkshake and giving you a straw from a capri sun with it :)

Im not sure if your into any DIY? We have some great one shots due to be released over the next week or so!

Im sorry if thats not much help mate, but they are high VG most 90+ VG low nicotine for sub ohm vaping, theres no point in me telling you they are not, because they are.

There is some other great vendors for 70 30 @manabush has a sale on this weekend i believe, theirs BNKR range is 70vg and very tasty indeed.
Yeah I tried some of the manabush liquids ages ago but they're not for me unfortunately :(
I seem to remember them being a little too sweet for my liking

Thanks anyway mate...

The hunt continues
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Yeah I tried some of the manabush liquids ages ago but they're not for me unfortunately :(
I seem to remember them being a little too sweet for my liking

Thanks anyway mate...

The hunt continues
Bunkr are indeed pretty awesome....
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