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E liquid is harsh on the throat.

Looking at your flavours that is the reason you have to leave them for 1-4 weeks before vaping.

Generally fruit and mints and menthols are shake and vape.

Custards, puddings, sweets need time to brew.

What herself has said. Any dessert mixes are better and smoother after a couple of weeks maturing.
Certainly the caramel will take a wee while to behave and blend in!!
Yep. I agree with the steeping as the others have said. A couple of weeks ago I mixed up a nutty caramel cookie. Was as rough as a bears arse straight away. I'm vaping it now & it's lovely & smooth.
Dark Star for your VG and nic needs next time chief!!
Always also worth checking the concentrate reviews for how much or what percentage other folks are using them at.

Again, which concs are you using??

Most of my mixes get at least 3 weeks to ripen up in the dark drawer of DIY, so if they are harsh after that, I know I've fucked up on the %ages!!
Not sure if they have a bad batch of Nic at Dark Star.
My Vg and Nic comes from them and I have a high grade PG from elsewhere.
My mixes have been harsh lately and are recipes I've used from a long time ago and never been harsh before.
Also fresh tank cotton and build and still getting harsh taste???
I've even ordered another bottle from vapable to do the same mix to see if theres a difference.
So it might be the tank and or cotton as well then?
Can't be my tank and cotton I've vaped the same set up for over a year now.
Always tasty and smooth.
All my mixes have had a harsh background lately and the recipes are the same I've always mixed.
The odd bad batch of nic can happen unless I'm doing something wrong that ive been doing for years.
We all have different taste receptors so it may just be something that doesn't agree with me
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