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e liquid you like best?

It's funny really, when smoking most people don't keep changing flavours, if you could call it that. Food wise, we're not constantly, I hope, in search of a better tasting potato or that elusive turnip! Vaping though most seem to be always looking for the next eliquid, at least I was (Rolling Stones had a song for this!). There's probably a PhD thesis in there somewhere for a bored psychologist.

I've tried a lot of eliquid, to my taste I've found about 10% to be good, 20% bad and the rest somewhere in between. In my opinion, nothing really quite replicates the flavours claimed, nothing is 'fresh' tasting and liquids based on a single flavour become boring very quickly. Also, the 'Tobacco' description gets used far too loosely for dessert type liquids with no tobacco flavourings! Finally, there is far far too much sweetener being used now.

Sorry about the rant! On the up side there are some very good naturally extracted tobaccos (NET), such as El Toro, and other multi flavoured and layered eliquids that really standout for me, Tmax's Snake Oil comes to mind, never thought I would like it!
It's funny really, when smoking most people don't keep changing flavours, if you could call it that. Food wise, we're not constantly, I hope, in search of a better tasting potato or that elusive turnip! Vaping though most seem to be always looking for the next eliquid, at least I was (Rolling Stones had a song for this!). There's probably a PhD thesis in there somewhere for a bored psychologist.

I've tried a lot of eliquid, to my taste I've found about 10% to be good, 20% bad and the rest somewhere in between. In my opinion, nothing really quite replicates the flavours claimed, nothing is 'fresh' tasting and liquids based on a single flavour become boring very quickly. Also, the 'Tobacco' description gets used far too loosely for dessert type liquids with no tobacco flavourings! Finally, there is far far too much sweetener being used now.

Sorry about the rant! On the up side there are some very good naturally extracted tobaccos (NET), such as El Toro, and other multi flavoured and layered eliquids that really standout for me, Tmax's Snake Oil comes to mind, never thought I would like it!

Overuse of sweetners and them killing coils is one of the reasons i DIY my juice now. That and the price of course
I always adored Thinking Out Cloud's screwball but haven't bought any since I started DIY'ing. Noticed Vapable have just brought out a screwball concentrate so that's likely to be a purchase quite soon :D
sorry if this has been posted before. what e liquid do you like best and why? I'm loving pancake man and jam on toast. I'm finding that I have a sweet tooth. :)
Have you tried the pancake man deluxe? It's pancakes with strawberries and is very good. Also, pancake House golden waffle is a lovely pancakes with maple syrup juice
I just cant get enough of jam on toast there are a few others mostly all contain some kind of fruit flavor...........
I'm about 90% DIY when it comes to juice, but there are a few brands that never disappoint whenever I get lazy.

Rude Oil, Front Line, Naked Fish, Lost Art.
Mexican Fried Ice Cream, Doughnut King, Welsh Custard, Kreeds Kustard (Chefs Flavours)

Isle Of Custard - the whole range is excellent.
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