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eGo series confusion

i have had no experiance with janty egos or the cartomisers and yes a 900mah battery in should last longer etc and ego batteries are normally compatable with lots , it really comes down to prefrance and for some people price ,i just had a quick look at the kits you linked and they look good to me for starting out , you deff better than me for doing reserch before buying i just jumped strait in lol it was pure luck that i bought something decent lol sorry im not much more help .
i have had no experiance with janty egos or the cartomisers and yes a 900mah battery in should last longer etc and ego batteries are normally compatable with lots , it really comes down to prefrance and for some people price ,i just had a quick look at the kits you linked and they look good to me for starting out , you deff better than me for doing reserch before buying i just jumped strait in lol it was pure luck that i bought something decent lol sorry im not much more help .
No! You have helped me. :) By taking the time to explain what you have is really useful. I was worried I had committed some anti evod faux paux by asking for some feedback on these Janty eGo starter kits. I also read about the evod battery recall last year after some were blowing up. So I figured the original manufacturer Janty (who are Dutch) would be safer than a copy.
lol see i didnt even know about the battery recalls opps lol have you decided on one yet? good luck on your swap to vaping x
If I could choose what I would have had for my started it would have been eGo twist which I think are now called Vision Spinner available on the marketplace quite cheap, with a kanger mini protank, the menthol liquids I have tried have also usually been very nice
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