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EhPro True MTL spitback/leak issues


May 27, 2016
Hi guys. I recently acquired an EhPro True MTL tank and I can't for the life of me stop it from spitting back and leaking from time to time. When it works it works flawlessly and has the smoothest draw I've ever had but it's rare that happens. Any help would be appreciated from owners of the tank and experts alike since I'm just a casual vaper that did it to quit smoking.
Just thought I'd add there's a lot of gurgling too. Is this because I'm not wicking it right? Or another issue?
I used to use the true and loved it. Never had a problem with it aside from it could be a buffer to wick right to get the flavour I liked.

Spit back sounds like either the watts are too low or you are wicking too thin.

Wick it so it’s got resistance in the coil but not too tight. Thin the ends a little and cut so they are level with the bottom of the cutouts, not the deck. See how you get on
I used to use the true and loved it. Never had a problem with it aside from it could be a buffer to wick right to get the flavour I liked.

Spit back sounds like either the watts are too low or you are wicking too thin.

Wick it so it’s got resistance in the coil but not too tight. Thin the ends a little and cut so they are level with the bottom of the cutouts, not the deck. See how you get on

Thanks. I think I'm using too little wick. I'm determined to get it right tonight. I'm also cutting it a bit shorter than the deck that could be where I'm also going wrong. I'm using Cotton Bacon too. Does it matter what kind of cotton I'm putting in this tank?
I love how different things work for different peeps :)
On mine they like a thick wick. Cut the corners off to make a V shape with just enough length to tuck in and touch the base.
Take a few non fire sucks and break it it gently for a bit.
Make sure you shut the airflow when you fill and remember to close the top fill before you vape (its easy to forget)
It's almost certainly a wicking issue, how you need to wick it will depend on how you vape really, I usually wick pretty hard through the coil and don't really thin out the ends (as long as there's not too much there) but what works for me and my coils could be different for you.
Thank you so much guys. I'm going to watch the women's world cup and experiment with the wicking tonight. Definitely gonna get it right tonight if not I've got Hope Solo to watch at half time and post match lol.
Problem solved. Put in a fuller wider wick and let the ends hang out the deck a little and then put them in the wells. Vaping like a charm now. Thanks for all your help guys.
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