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EhPro True MTL spitback/leak issues

Problem solved. Put in a fuller wider wick and let the ends hang out the deck a little and then put them in the wells. Vaping like a charm now. Thanks for all your help guys.

Good stuff, if you are using 50/50 liquids and don't chain vape like crazy I think you can go pretty fat with the wicking before you are going to have any chance of a dry hit. I tend to go as thick as I can and only go thinner if I need to.
One thing about this tank I didn't like was the supplied drip tip.
The narrow bore meant that you did get condensation in the mouth a lot, but changing to a wider bore solved it and now it's one of my favourite tanks.
I used to use the true and loved it. Never had a problem with it aside from it could be a buffer to wick right to get the flavour I liked.

Spit back sounds like either the watts are too low or you are wicking too thin.

Wick it so it’s got resistance in the coil but not too tight. Thin the ends a little and cut so they are level with the bottom of the cutouts, not the deck. See how you get on
+1 .. i use the true as my main tank .. sounds like too little wick to me .. and possibly too long a wick as well
Thanks. I think I'm using too little wick. I'm determined to get it right tonight. I'm also cutting it a bit shorter than the deck that could be where I'm also going wrong. I'm using Cotton Bacon too. Does it matter what kind of cotton I'm putting in this tank?
cotton bacon will swell up too much in the true if you put enough wick in - this tank adores Muji .. cheap as chips too
Don't set the coil too low, can be a bit tricky to see with the raised air jet
(like a little mound)
I started winding the coils ccw so the legs are above than below
(then there is no loose leg in ya view of coil height, trade off less wick support)

It is one of those tanks you have to learn or improve/refine your technique
not a bad thing, but other tanks are not quite as picky as the True "can" be
once you suss the True your technique will have improved greatly for all other tanks I'd say

Coil height, ends just showing below chimney - not touching the base of tank
not too tight, not too loose cotton, ends placed correctly - you'll suss it

Gurgling/Flooding - the bubble glass on two of my True's were iffy
one had a chip in it & another was slightly oval sealing on the o-rings
This allowed air to enter I guess and flooding to occur in use

If flooding/gurgling occurs quite often at times using the bubble - try the other std glass
cotton bacon will swell up too much in the true if you put enough wick in - this tank adores Muji .. cheap as chips too

Thanks. I just tried Muji cotton in the tank and the flavour really pops more. I'm really really liking this tank now. Not had any gurgling or spitting since last night when I learnt to wick it properly. Definitely replaced my Kayfun clone.
Don't set the coil too low, can be a bit tricky to see with the raised air jet
(like a little mound)
I started winding the coils ccw so the legs are above than below
(then there is no loose leg in ya view of coil height, trade off less wick support)

It is one of those tanks you have to learn or improve/refine your technique
not a bad thing, but other tanks are not quite as picky as the True "can" be
once you suss the True your technique will have improved greatly for all other tanks I'd say

Coil height, ends just showing below chimney - not touching the base of tank
not too tight, not too loose cotton, ends placed correctly - you'll suss it

Gurgling/Flooding - the bubble glass on two of my True's were iffy
one had a chip in it & another was slightly oval sealing on the o-rings
This allowed air to enter I guess and flooding to occur in use

If flooding/gurgling occurs quite often at times using the bubble - try the other std glass

Thanks for the helpful advice. I'm actually having no issues with either glass now. Learning how to wick it properly and the type of cotton I'm using helped a lot. No leaking, spitback and little to no gurgling now. I'm a happy bunny. Thanks once again for the well detailed advice.
Thanks for the helpful advice. I'm actually having no issues with either glass now. Learning how to wick it properly and the type of cotton I'm using helped a lot. No leaking, spitback and little to no gurgling now. I'm a happy bunny. Thanks once again for the well detailed advice.

Glad you got it sorted
Thanks for the helpful advice. I'm actually having no issues with either glass now. Learning how to wick it properly and the type of cotton I'm using helped a lot. No leaking, spitback and little to no gurgling now. I'm a happy bunny. Thanks once again for the well detailed advice.
Great you sorted it - I absolutely love these tanks at the price point.

Tip on filling (I never close the airflow) - I see a lot of people say you can’t fill these tanks fast - you can. When you open the top cap for filling there is often a miniscus of juice sat in both fill holes. If you leave it there on both sides when you try to fill it will cause a small pressure build up in the tank which will push juice through the chimney causing a leak (and cause a bubble of liquid on the fill hole you are not using to push out) to get round this simply dab a piece of rolled tissue in both holes before you fill to remove the miniscus - job done ... fill at speed.
It is not quite the "pit-stop" refill like the Zenith or Hastur 3.5
I've blown the cap off a couple of 10ml's going ultra nutz refilling
guess if I was going to go ultra nutz I can snip the needle/spout a bit to increase flow more
however snipping or opening the tips of 10ml's would mean it don't fit easily into narrower True ports

It isn't a slow tank to refill under normal circumstances, just not quite the pit-stop - but hey it's only 2ml or 3.5ml
and as I have learnt it's best not to go TOO NUTZ refilling on narrow tipped bottles on any tank in case lid blows off
(squirting say 7ml all over your tank & hand as the top pops results in a real mess and lots of profanities too)

go easy in moderation is the sensible approach, rushing out the door, OTT refilling can make a mess & make you even later
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