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Review Elegant Vapour


May 20, 2014
*This review is based on my own personal experience*

So after countless broken Ego style batteries and tanks I thought I'd venture into the world of mechs & rda's. Having absolutely no idea about them I spent a few weeks researching and after pestering plenty of you guys on here I was directed to Elegant Vapour.

What they had there suited me perfectly, a build you own mech section with pretty amazing prices for the UK and this took out most of the hassle and worry about atties, bodies and batteries not being compatible which was absolutely fantastic and exactly what I was looking for.

I finally settled on the following.
Nemesis style body
Fogger V3
VTC5 2600mah
IMR 18490 Efest 1100mah
1mm Ekowool
Kanthal ribbon 0.1 x 0.8mm
Efest Soda dual charger
36ml of Blue Voodoo 6mg

All this for £68.49 delivered first class!

This arrived at my door the very next day (today actualy) and living in Northern Ireland this was a very pleasant surprise.

I also contacted Philip through the live chat on the website who was an absolute god send and cleared up any questions I had and then some. He also explained that unfortunately there had not been enough stock of the Blue Voodoo and contacted me a few minutes later by phone. In all honesty it was one of the most pleasant phone calls regarding a purchase I've ever had. Very very nice guy who didn't seem like he just wanted to clear up the issue and get off the line as quick as possible like I've had in the past. After talking for a few minutes and having a bit of banter he explained the problem and offered to send out another juice to me next day delivery along with an additional free bottle of my choice due to the mix up. Top bloke.

Everything I received is top quality and arrived well packaged at an excellent price well before I predicted that it would come.

All in all would I recommend Elegant Vapour to a friend... 100%


Buy Starter Kits for Electronic Cigarettes at Elegant Vapour UK

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I ordered stuff from them as well. Was very happy with them, and the fact that the people on the chat service replied instantly.
Just as a carry on from my previous post, today my little brother was messing around with my new PV and wouldn't you know he bloody dropped it resulting in a completely smashed tank.

I contacted Elegant Vapours again in hopes of buying a replacement tank but unfortunately they only had the V4 which to theirs and my knowledge don't work on my V3.

Still in quite a bit of a rage at my little brother I was instantly calmed when I was offered a brand new Fogger V4. After explaining that I have little to no money after my recent purchase Mazen told me that it was free of charge!

I honestly couldn't believe what I was reading. After talking for another few minutes and confirming that it was in fact totally free I was over the moon.

After thanking Mazen countless times he/she then went on to say,
"We are not doing this business just as a business, we want to support the community and want vaping to prevail. It is a passion. And I am sure we are not the only vendor that has this. But of course there are ones who are in it of the money only."

Totally amazed by their generosity and service :D
I can also recomment Elegant Vapour, I bought a Black Stingray, and Black Fogger V4 on Friday, their customer service is second to none.

Wonderful people:grin2:
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