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Eliquid bottle funnel


Nov 15, 2014
Can anyone give me a decent steer on a good funnel to fill standard plastic eliquid bottles? I've ordered online twice and ended up with unsuitable results and nearly 2 weeks of lost time. I have a lot of liquid to decant!

You're going to struggle to find a funnel with a small enough tip to fit a typical eliquid bottle that will also let glycerine through.

You're better off with funnel shaped tips from Lucemill. They have a variety of sizes, with or without bottles:

I have a few mini ones laying about, pm me your address and I'll send you a couple. It's slow going with the VG but it gets there
Can anyone give me a decent steer on a good funnel to fill standard plastic eliquid bottles? I've ordered online twice and ended up with unsuitable results and nearly 2 weeks of lost time. I have a lot of liquid to decant!

I had exactly the same dilemma, scoured the Internet and shops, bought some that were useless and some that did the job but very slowly, then it hit me that I had the perfect solution sitting in my vape drawers all along.
Bottles (2).JPG
Filled one of these bad boys up and squirted it into the small bottles fast as you like.
pop into sainsburys....they do 3x 50ml pet bottles in a wee clear travel bag for about 90p....now in the bag is a wee plastic funnel which if you are really careful and good at slight of hand can be removed;)
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I tried something like Mr Numpty.
I bought 2 squeezy sauce bottles from a local cheap store.
They were crap and would leak from the threads so I was about to toss them.
Then it dawned on me the tips were what i was after.

Bit of DIY and I had cut the end at a bit of an angle AND shaved the outside.
Two big issues trying to fill:-
1) VG is thick & slow
2) Air lock is the biggest issue

#1 remedy - Heat juice / VG bottle in hot water bath to thin before decanting
#2 remedy -Shaving the outside of the 'funnel' helps prevent a solid lock on the bottle, I also hold it up a tint bit as I fill - lets the air out as liquid goes in
Ummm, syringes maybe? Pour the liquid in to a suitable container and use a 20ml or 50ml syringe. I find this the easiest and cleanest way.
Measures as you go, obviously no blunt needle needed!!
Can anyone give me a decent steer on a good funnel to fill standard plastic eliquid bottles? I've ordered online twice and ended up with unsuitable results and nearly 2 weeks of lost time. I have a lot of liquid to decant!

I had exactly the same problem. Feel your pain pal x
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