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Endurance T18 leaking big time


Mar 1, 2018
My Endura T18 started to gurgle and spit and behaving as if it was blocked as no vapour would come out. I left it sitting for a while and noticed juice had leaked everywhere. It even appeared as if it had leaked through the charging port at the bottom. Is this possible? My fault as I dropped it a few hours earlier. Wondering if it’s safe to try again
Any visible damage, like a crack in the glass? Or the coil could just be flooded
More than likely the coil is problematic. Whip it out and give it a few good flicks of the wrist. If that doesn't help then it may be that the wicking has shifted. Change the coil.
Can’t see any cracks. God, I’m so clumsy. I will give the coil a good flick of the wrist and hope it works. I was scared about it exploding.

Thanks for the replies
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