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Enforcement Notice: Prohibition of electronic cigarette

I listened to a fair bit of the webinar and my feeling coming away from it is it's not based on my reality of trying patches, gum and willpower and failing to stop smoking and am now into my eighth year non smoking through the use of e-cigarettes, but they say I'm not allowed to make these kinda claims... WTAF, it's the honest truth. I'm quite happy to appear as a character witness for any company falling foul of this BS. As long as they stay within the advertising constraints as laid out.
@vapesmarter Stu, you just need to bundle one of these in with the device and label it "portable soldering solution"

I've asked people about this rule and no one really knows about mods but as soon as I'm on Instagram there are loads of vaping products from all over the world this ban seems stupid as WWW stands for world wide web it is kinda worldwide where one guy who makes mods in France can bang his stuff on Instagram but I cant?

more to the point what about tank stands or driptips or dna boards are they restricted as well ???
We are all DOOMED I tell ya, all DOOMED.......

You won't be able to fart in public soon!!!!!!
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