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Enter Stage Left: Spiritus Vapes.


Founder of All The Juices
Sep 30, 2013
Hey folks, I dip in and out of POTV a fair bit (hopefully a few of you recognise my name) :) This has taken six months of planning, but I'm finally able to introduce to you to Spiritus Vapes.

Ever since I started vaping an idea has been coming together, one forged in the wait for vapemail to arrive from the States. It took too long and cost too much - there had to be a better way.

It’s taken a lot of thought and a whole bunch of 2am calls, but we’ve made the journey through an exciting process from scribbles in a moleskin notepad to full blown website, and we are delighted to introduce you to what we consider to be two of the finest examples of American e-liquid: Epic Juice and Nicoticket.

Both brands feature some simply astounding flavours… There's what I consider to be the best custard available, a banana that's out of this world and, well.... 12 flavours in all, every one of them with huge all day vape potential.

I'm aiming to import the greatest American liquids that are lesser known over here and dispatch them from within the UK - so the range on sale will increase, and not only will you not have to wait a month to get it, but you won’t need to spend more on shipping than the liquid itself.

Have a look through the site, we launched last week and are already getting amazing feedback. If you want to read some unbiased reviews check out Epic and Nicoticket on All the Juices. (Nicoticket / Epic)

Check us out: Spiritus Vapes
Oooooh, they all look yummy!

Gonna have to be a humbug and wait till after Xmas to put my order in though, but I shall definitely be trying some of these!
Just got me at the right time, had a hangsen apply/cranberry/cinnamon vape last xmas, and felt the need this morn for an apple/cinnamon xmas viby juice, so have made my last vape purchase of the year with some Epic Juice Apple Jax, which I will review on receipt, and also liked your facebook page. It'd better be good you bastards! ;)
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