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EU fails in legal action against AstraZeneca over vaccine delay


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Jun 24, 2017
EU fails in legal action against AstraZeneca over vaccine delay
A court stopped short of requiring the pharma company to accelerate its delivery schedule

June 18, 2021 1:32 pm by Hannah Kuchler in London and Michael Peel in Brussels
The EU has lost a legal attempt to force AstraZeneca to speed up delivery of doses of its Covid-19 vaccines or face large fines, in the latest twist in a bitter battle over delivery shortfalls.

A court in Brussels ruled on Friday that the company must deliver only a fraction of what the European Commission had demanded, and less than the existing delivery schedule lays out.

The court instructed AstraZeneca to deliver a total of 80m doses by late September, a target it should meet easily, as it has already supplied about 70m shots. That fell far short of the commission’s demand of 300m doses by the end of September.

The result is a blow to the commission, which had wanted the company to be ordered to deliver 120m shots by the end of June, with a fine of €10 per dose per day for any shortfall, penalties that could have run into billions of euros.

However, officials insisted the case was justified and pointed to the judgment’s criticism of AstraZeneca’s “big mistake” in failing to honour the original delivery timetable.

The ruling found that the pharma company’s failure to send the EU vaccines made at an Oxford BioMedica plant in the UK was inconsistent with making the “best reasonable efforts” on supply required by its contract. But it did not order AstraZeneca to use the plant to fulfil the EU order.

AstraZeneca was originally expected to supply up to 300m doses to the EU in the first six months of this year but that forecast was cut sharply after production problems.

Both sides claimed victory in the unusual legal battle, with AstraZeneca saying it was pleased with the court order, and the commission saying it confirmed its position.

However, in practice, the decision should have no impact on AstraZeneca, which is expecting to deliver the next 10m doses before the end of this month.

AstraZeneca said it looked forward to renewed collaboration with the commission. Jeffrey Pott, AstraZeneca’s general counsel, said: “AstraZeneca has fully complied with its agreement with the European Commission and we will continue to focus on the urgent task of supplying an effective vaccine, which we are delivering at no profit to help protect people in Europe and around the world from the deadliest pandemic in a generation.”

Ursula von der Leyen, president of the commission, also notched the verdict up as a win.

“This decision confirms the position of the commission: AstraZeneca did not live up to the commitments it made in the contract. It is good to see that an independent judge confirms this,” she said

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EU bureaucrats trying everything to cover their ineptitude, greed and lack of preperation and at the same time blame somebody, anybody for their mistakes and short comings. With the claims by the ignorant French President Emmanuel Macron that AstraZeneca’s Covid-19 vaccine was “quasi-ineffective” followed by starting and stopping AstraZeneca jabs because of the 'blood clots' they've effectively sentenced thousands of people to the risk of infection.
They wanted a fine of €10 per delayed dose, per day! Quadruple the price (daily) that they paid for each dose in the first place! It's just unbelievable. Couldn't make it up. :30:
They wanted a fine of €10 per delayed dose, per day! Quadruple the price (daily) that they paid for each dose in the first place! It's just unbelievable. Couldn't make it up. :30:

Indeed. They were happy to get ripped off by Pfizer and others...

Oxford University and AstraZeneca: $2.18 (1.78 euro)
Johnson & Johnson: $8.50
Sanofi and Glaxo Smith Klein: $9.27 (7.56 euro)
Pfizer and BioNTech: $14.71 (12 euro)
CureVac: $12.26 (10 euro)
Moderna: $18 euro

AstraZeneca is the only company that agreed to supply at cost with no profits to help stop the infections and this is the way EU repayed them.
If i remember it wasn't about the amount they ordered it was beacuse even though they ordered 300,000,000 doses after we had they still expected for their order to be fulfilled before ours was.
It's said that ones true colours are shown in the midst of a crisis.
Indeed. They were happy to get ripped off by Pfizer and others...

Oxford University and AstraZeneca: $2.18 (1.78 euro)
Johnson & Johnson: $8.50
Sanofi and Glaxo Smith Klein: $9.27 (7.56 euro)
Pfizer and BioNTech: $14.71 (12 euro)
CureVac: $12.26 (10 euro)
Moderna: $18 euro

AstraZeneca is the only company that agreed to supply at cost with no profits to help stop the infections and this is the way EU repayed them.
This is of no surprise to me sadly
This whole AstraZeneca attack by EU is a bit of a 'sore point' for me. Because of the 'scare' tactics used by EU my parents who are well into their 80's and live in EU had the worst 8 months of their lives. Twice they could have had AstraZeneca jabs and twice the jabs were called off. Eventually they had Pfizer, but not before they felt like prisoners in their own home being afraid of going out and catching the virus and in the end because of the EU propaganda 'believing' that AstraZeneca was useless and ineffective. I couldn't believe what they were telling me when we were talking over the phone. So sad.
This whole AstraZeneca attack by EU is a bit of a 'sore point' for me. Because of the 'scare' tactics used by EU my parents who are well into their 80's and live in EU had the worst 8 months of their lives. Twice they could have had AstraZeneca jabs and twice the jabs were called off. Eventually they had Pfizer, but not before they felt like prisoners in their own home being afraid of going out and catching the virus and in the end because of the EU propaganda 'believing' that AstraZeneca was useless and ineffective. I couldn't believe what they were telling me when we were talking over the phone. So sad.

I wish we could know just how many people across Europe could have had the AZ vaccine but didn't because of the EU/European leader's shenanigans and instead caught covid and died from it.
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