You will need a 510-ego adapter. Around £3. Many vendors carry them. Example here. Don't forget the discount code POTVMark, you mentioned the Vamo needed an adapter, what adapter? I'll need one as I'm about to get a Vamo.
Glad you like them. It's something about the vapour. Good and thick n tasty I find. Weird when I began Vaping after the godawful cartridges then cartos along came the clearos of one variety or another. I've not really got on with any of them, not even the vision ego type etc but now some really good ones are about and for me these are easily the best so far.Got two of these this week after Marks review. They are bloody great
Glad you like them. It's something about the vapour. Good and thick n tasty I find. Weird when I began Vaping after the godawful cartridges then cartos along came the clearos of one variety or another. I've not really got on with any of them, not even the vision ego type etc but now some really good ones are about and for me these are easily the best so far.
You will need a 510-ego adapter. Around £3. Many vendors carry them. Example here. Don't forget the discount code POTV