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Ex rolled cigarette smoker - advice for a newbie

And I will chuck #greensteam and #highvoltage from #tjuice into the ones I didn't think I would like but loved them and mixed to produce green voltage of high steam is equally as good, there not tobacco likes but after a search for the perfect tobacco I actually found I preferred varied tastes and as such forgot about replicating what I used to like and concentrated on what I like now with my revitalised taste buds....
And I will chuck #greensteam and #highvoltage from #tjuice into the ones I didn't think I would like but loved them and mixed to produce green voltage of high steam is equally as good, there not tobacco likes but after a search for the perfect tobacco I actually found I preferred varied tastes and as such forgot about replicating what I used to like and concentrated on what I like now with my revitalised taste buds....

I still vape tobacco flavours Guevarra, Cigarrillos, Puros, Orpheus and Maxx Blend - but also echo what Mark said above. Lately I have been vaping Cinnamon Rolls quite a lot. Caramel Cream, Coffee, Pear and Smoked Plum are also flavours I return to regularly - I always thought that I would only vape tobacco flavours, but I probably vape more non tobacco.
Im late! :hello: and welcome to the planet!

Deffo try something that is variable voltage, Ego Spinner or Twist is a great start battery (pick up 2!)

You'll want a VG heavier juice if you want lots of "smoke" (Vapour).

And you will get loads of baccy flavours that taste how fresh baccy smells, you wont get that ashtray taste unless you go with juice from some place like House of Liquids
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