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Falling in love with my Cobra Atomiser all over again...



So I was getting totally pissed off that my wicks and coils were shit and no matter what I did, I couldn't get a happy place :( I have only had two coils that were heaven, until I bumped them while refilling :( *insert cries of frustration here!*

Well, EthelKing sent me some Nickel Chrome .212 to try out... I am in bliss! Here is a lil video of me falling in love with my Cobra again!

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That is HUUUUUGE! I've been toying with getting a rebuildable tank, and this has just sold it. Now to decide which one I want and wait for it to be available :(
Fucking hell that's some vapour! Can you see anything in the your room or is it just crazy foggy :D cool tunes too, who is it, sounds familiar? (obviously I know the song just not that version!)
Thats the 3ml version :) I love it! They should be available on the Alba site...Ill upload some more video of it firing away shortly... this is on my Cube mod with a 2000mah aw imr in it, no VV :)
Fucking hell that's some vapour! Can you see anything in the your room or is it just crazy foggy :D cool tunes too, who is it, sounds familiar? (obviously I know the song just not that version!)

Me First and The Gimme Gimme's I LOVE THEM! They pretty much do punk covers of every song you ever loved growing up :)

PS I fogged up the front room so bad, my son asked what was on fire? I said does it smell like smoke? he says...No candy!
Call 999 there is a fire ;)

plus call 999 for a ambulance, who ever is singing has killed that tune :(
So you rate the nickel chrome over kanthal?
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