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Fancy a change in my set up, any advice??

Most likely a short-circuit in the mod or tank. Only way to find out which is to try the tank on a different mod or vice-versa.
@Bethiboo35 stroll over to the ecig one site and treat yourself to the Augvape Skynet Pro tank. It's an absolute flavour banger and to date mine hasn't leaked a drop! Even better it's on sale so you can get it for £13.49.

The best sub ohm stock coil tank I've tried is the Freemax Mesh Pro. The flavour is sensational and matches any RTA in my view. However, it can be prone to leaking from the fill port bizarrely (which can open in your bag or pocket) or if the Oring on the coil moves.
SInce you're making your own juice I'll assume vaping is your hobby more or less.
If that's the case - definitely get into rebuildables, RTA/RDA. A lot cheaper after initial investment, better flavor, a lot more options for coils/wires too.

If you're sticking to prebuilt coil tanks - Freemax Mesh Pro & Horizon Falcon are the two constantly mentioned as the best ones for flavor. Throw it on any decent 2 battery mod and you're good.
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