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fasttec liquid contents

Batteries, chargers and juice are not to be messed with. As far as juice goes you need to be 100% certain as best as possible what you are taking into your system. Just looking on FT's site some bottles of juice are clearly marked with Hangsens web address, plenty say Hangsen's Crentia e.g. which is concerning, whilst others appear to have no Hangsen markings at all. To me that's a pass by item. As we all know Fasttech are renowned for having a number of items for sale that would come under the heading of poor. In the case of unlabelled e-liquid, that to me takes their QC to the wrong side of piss.
alot of the bottles advertised as @Hangsen are in non-hangsen bottles on f/t ..

the bottles with description "hangsen crentia" are in pucka bottles tho
Not saying these liquids are real or fake but hold on people as I know ft re bottle there dekang and also know loads of uk vendors rebrand and bottle hangsen liquids :)
One thing I will say I got a order of hangsen for my mate 24mg 30ml bottle RY4 a couple of weeks ago and this was in the correct bottle with the HS etc and it tasted identical to my uk bought liquid.
One thing I will never buy from fastech is battery's or liquid, health and safety on a sensible level :P
sorry stealthvape i dilluted the remaining with 50% vg before i got message and vaping it all seems ok thanks for offer
Are you sure of what you say ebay? There is a huge difference between re-bottling and re-labelling for a start. For you to 'know' FT re-bottle Dekang e-juice you must have visited an FT bottling plant and witnessed it taking place. Nobody but nobody should open any bottle of e-liquid that has been manufactured and bottled under controlled hygienic conditions unless they have the manufacturer's written permission and then execute any re-bottling under the same strict conditions. Even then it should clearly state this has happened on the new labelling. That equally applies to UK vendors of whom I cannot accept re-bottle e-liquid. Re-branding yes.
Are you sure of what you say ebay? There is a huge difference between re-bottling and re-labelling for a start. For you to 'know' FT re-bottle Dekang e-juice you must have visited an FT bottling plant and witnessed it taking place. Nobody but nobody should open any bottle of e-liquid that has been manufactured and bottled under controlled hygienic conditions unless they have the manufacturer's written permission and then execute any re-bottling under the same strict conditions. Even then it should clearly state this has happened on the new labelling. That equally applies to UK vendors of whom I cannot accept re-bottle e-liquid. Re-branding yes.

Nope I'm not 100%. I asked ft my self on this one with the dekang and that's what they said as originally I had only seen the 10ml small dark bottles with the plastic needle type tips so yes they could be lying but I have tasted some of there dekang against some bought from the uk and they was the same like wise with the hangsen but the hangsen was in the correct bottle not the above mention bottle.

So if it suits I will take back my comment and change to I don't know for sure but ft did tell me via a ticket.

With what I have said with uk vendors I have seen many vendors selling hangsen in different bottles & different labels.

I'm not trying to stick up for fasttech yes I use them quit a lot but I wouldn't want people to vape crap unknown stuff that could have a potentially harm just saying they do some genuine hangsen but don't know what the other stuff is mentioned above.

" For you to 'know' FT re-bottle Dekang e-juice you must have visited an FT bottling plant and witnessed it taking place."

That goes for all products and all liquids do any of us know we are actually vaping genuine stuff? Or do we just trust the vendors are not lying When they list as a specific brand?

That's it nothing more to say on the subject :)
Speaking personally, I wouldn't dream of buying juice from FT. I'd probably stop vaping before I'd buy juice from anyone other than a trusted UK vendor, but I am a bit paranoid to be honest. The same goes for batteries and chargers.
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