@vapemac Did you manage to get your Diablo all sorted mate?
Mine's arrived today & just having a look at it & everything looks fine, the glass is maybe a bit too tall for the tank & the replacement Brahma Bull glass I brought with it is definatly too tall, the chimney won't connect! Shame really as it'd look kick ass
I managed to get it Sorted itsher but thanks for the offerI have a tin full of a million screw for the ghosts of RDA's past, can you photograph the screws? If so and I have a match, will gladly send you some.
I managed to get it Sorted itsher but thanks for the offer
Yeah Lad I got it all sorted, cheers! Fasttech were useless. They wanted about 20 million pictures from different angles of the screws and the deck. In the meantime the ones I had ordered from ebay arrived and they were a perfect fit. I ended up getting a $3 credit back from fasttech instead.
Yeah thats a shame! have you managed to set up a build on it yet?
Eh... I'm probably no the best person to ask as I've only just started building coils and this is my first rta so i can't compare it to anything else. Getting the wicking right was the biggest issue I had. Ended up with a few tankfuls making their way out the airflow. Let me know how you get on with it on Saturday and any tips you might have after using it pleaseJeez! FT & their pictures!
How's the vape on it pal, you enjoying it?
I haven't yet, arrived this morning & I've only had a quick look at it on my lunch, it'll need a Jacuzzi first but hopefully get to play with it Saturday