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Delivery time is an issue as has been mentioned. You can expect to wait up to 6 weeks sometimes.

Before you buy, check if the item is in stock, it tells you when an item is expected.

Maybe try lots of little orders rather than one big one so bits arrive as and when.

Read the reviews and feedback on any item you are thinking of buying.

F/T is cheap, cheap enough that you can afford to buy a few duds now and then but if you spend your time researching you will generally be OK.

If you must have something tomorrow then you need to pay UK clone prices - the suppliers have done all the hard work for you and the support you get from them is brilliant - check out vapegeek for Hcigar stuff.

its not so much the hard work but the dhl shipping costs which are then passed on....you dont pay £15 for a mod and then £50 on shipping but the vendors buy in bulk so its worthwhile to them to pay this....its how the hammer group buy was done...:)
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