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feeling out of breathe


Jan 15, 2018
so its nearly 11 months not having the death sticks. but I still feel out of breathe. will this ever get better. I've told my doctor they measured how much oxgen I have. and it was good. they put a thing on my finger.
Sure your not just unfit?

I'm well past the five year mark now without a stick, I still get outta breathe, but no-where as quickly as I did. I started to notice a difference about a year and a half stick free. I was on 30 - 40 a day for 37 years.
I think my breath less ness is due more to bacon butty poisoning nowadays.
this ... to get your breath back to 100% you must walk or run long distances .. and its fun ....
well unless you have damaged your lungs ask the doc for the full test treadmill style
how do I get my self fitter? went walking all round wales and I was fine. i'm over a stone and a half over weight. could that cause it? just started trying to lose weight. weigh in day tomorrow.
How long did you smoke for, mine are pretty much permanently damaged and have been for a long time. I've not been in hospital since I quit smoking though, which is an improvement over what I was like. lol.
how do I get my self fitter? went walking all round wales and I was fine. i'm over a stone and a half over weight. could that cause it? just started trying to lose weight. weigh in day tomorrow.

The extra weight could be a factor. But if you are able to walk a lot and think that you’re generally quite fit, it probably isn’t. Maybe what @Simon G says above? How long and how much were you smoking?
How long did you smoke for, mine are pretty much permanently damaged and have been for a long time. I've not been in hospital since I quit smoking though, which is an improvement over what I was like. lol.
I smoked 20 to 40 a day. for 20 years. I do feel better than I did. i'm not coughing up nasty junk on more. my smokers cough has gone. I can sleep not keeping hubby up because I was coughing. and sometimes i'd wake up and I couldn't breathe. that was when I smoked. its the shortness of breathe. I've really buggered my self up by smoking. but theres no way i'm going back.
I smoked 20 to 40 a day. for 20 years. I do feel better than I did. i'm not coughing up nasty junk on more. my smokers cough has gone. I can sleep not keeping hubby up because I was coughing. and sometimes i'd wake up and I couldn't breathe. that was when I smoked. its the shortness of breathe. I've really buggered my self up by smoking. but theres no way i'm going back.

It sounds like you've made some great steps forward, those symptoms would have only got worse if you had carried on smoking. I know it's hard but think about how much better things are now and don't get down about it. Just give it time, you sound like you might be a bit younger than me so you have plenty of time for things to gradually improve and I'm sure they will.
Been ciggy free for 4yrs now. I decided to vape and pack up the ciggies because of my breathing. I weezzed a lot. After a short while the weeeeeezzzzing went and my shortness of breath is getting better.
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