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Feeling slightly overwhelmed


Mar 8, 2016
This is gonna be a long one! Sorry guys but bear with me.
Ok so I've been doing my research, I've been watching coil building videos and I've checked out info on here. I want to start doing my own builds. I've figured to start with, I'm gonna buy some pre-made coils and get used to fitting them first before I start coiling my own. I've got a joyetech evic vt with an ohm meter built in and I've been advised that this is ok to use in the beginning but I should think about buying a proper one in the future. So in preparation last night I was browsing the wares on fasttech and i think I've just confused myself more. There are so many rebuildables to choose from I'm stuck. Im assuming that a RTA is best for a beginner? But is it better to have a single coil or dual coiled one? I'm happy to buy a clone because I don't want to invest alot of money until I know that I actually like it but some of these come in at a fiver. Will it just be cheap rubbish with crappy threads?
I think I just need some gentle direction and any helpful suggestions.
The kayfun mini V3 clone is a good start. Easy to re-build. Reasonable price too.
Ideally you'd want to get a dripper that will do single and dual coil builds. Learn doing singles then progress. But I don't know off hand if that kinda kit is still available. It probably is, just canna see it the now.
Aye, a decent ohm reader is advised, again, Fast tech have ones that'll do.

There are good and bad clones. Go by the reviews on the product page, the more happy ones the better!
Ideally you'd want to get a dripper that will do single and dual coil builds. Learn doing singles then progress. But I don't know off hand if that kinda kit is still available. It probably is, just canna see it the now.
Aye, a decent ohm reader is advised, again, Fast tech have ones that'll do.

There are good and bad clones. Go by the reviews on the product page, the more happy ones the better!
That's what I was hoping for. Something that i could start off with a single coil and then progress onto dual coils. I had just assumed that you could do that on any tank until I actually started looking at them last night
Go for something with an open deck -- don't give yourself more obstacles than necessary to set your coils.

Also, avoid nut/washer clamps as these can be quite finicky even for experienced builders (especially when you progress to dual coil) -- look for screw down clamps that you can hit with a screwdriver on all posts.

These two things will allow you to experiment more with your builds and wire as you gain confidence.

There's a lot of options out there -- see what catches your eye and then search for it on here and google, there's always somebody out there that's reviewed it in some form.
I want to start doing my own builds. I've figured to start with, I'm gonna buy some pre-made coils and get used to fitting them first before I start coiling my own. I was browsing the wares on fasttech and i think I've just confused myself more. There are so many rebuildables to choose from I'm stuck. Im assuming that a RTA is best for a beginner? But is it better to have a single coil or dual coiled one? I'm happy to buy a clone because I don't want to invest alot of money until I know that I actually like it but some of these come in at a fiver. Will it just be cheap rubbish with crappy threads?

Buy coils if you want but making your own is the easy bit, the fitting is the more fiddly bit.
On ft you have to read the discussions on each product to sort the good clones from the crap ones. There are often many versions of the same atty, sort them by popularity and you should find the best one, bearing in mind newer kit will have less feedback.
A cheap dripper (derringer perhaps) is good to practice coil building as you are not filling a tank then emptying it when you find it is not satisfactory.
You can always use it for testing juices or a quick stand in if your tank is giving you problems.
My advice, get the tank you fancy and a dripper.
Hi Sarah,
Much good advice has already been given, so I'll try and limit what I say so that I don't repeat what has gone before. Those that know me will be yelling "Some Hope Rob!" at their monitors about now. :D
I would have a good look at either the Coilmaster or Kuro Coiling tool, these will make your life so much more simple. In addition to these I would highly recommend this https://www.fasttech.com/products/3099/10010836/1986902-vaping-coil-winding-jig-tool-for-rebuildable
It is ideal for holding you coil whilst fitting it to the posts in your chosen atty. So....... You construct the coil on the Coilmaster and then pop it on to the wand, this is much less bulky and makes the aligning of the coil far more simple.
I would suggest that you have a good look @stealthvape for ALL your Wire and Wicking Materials. Rob is an absolute Gentleman and if you send him an email explaining that you are new to all of this, he will sort you out all the items that you'll require. His service is second to none!!

YouTube will give you plenty of guides about making coils and how to wick. Our very own "How To" Section is also well worth reading through.
Any questions, just ask. We all remember the first attempts at making our own coils, the advent of the wonderful Jigs has transformed the ease with which it can now be done by even the most inexperienced.:2thumbsup:
Thank you all for your help and advice. It's very much appreciated. I've got lots to go on now so I'm going to make a decision on a tank, watch alot more videos and do some reading up. Hopefully I'll get a build up soon for you guys to critique!
Rob that looks like a handy piece of kit for a quid. Definately worth a punt!
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