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Find your Happy Place


Dec 9, 2013
Hi guys

What Vaping kit bring you to your vaping nirvana?

I think I have just found my Vaping happy place!

for years I have been using tanks and recently ventured into Gennys and by friday RDA's

but today....... TODAY i get my Nemesis, chuck on an RSST with 4 wraps of .9 Kanthal Ribbon dual coil coming in at 0.4 ohms load up with Passion fruit Menthol and BOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!

WOW now that's what i've been looking for!!!! cant's wait to try my Helios on quad coil, but for now. . . . . .. . . . . .

I've found my happy place and grinning like a cheshire cat after every vape

So whats yours? have you found it yet?
I'm easily pleased. As long as I can suck,get some flavour, get some throat hit, and chuff out a decent cloud, then I'm happy and all of my gear does that. I wouldn't use it if it didn't.
I've recently came into the world of mechs & rda's! The difference from my sid & protank2 is night & day when it comes 2 flavor. Tho my sid will still have it's uses. No sub ohms 4 me as yet tho I'm very happy with my igo-w sit'n at 1ohm. That is my happy place 4 now!!! Lol
i love my nem with the taifun gt on top with twisted .32 kantal microcoil at 0.7ohms with a cotton wick
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