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first go at mixing advice please


Jul 13, 2015
I finally took the plunge and bought some ingredients to have a go at DIY juice.
Chefs vapour cup of joe
FA golden rollie,
FA espresso creme,
chefs vapour bavarian cream (to sweeten).
I want to get cracking making them as individual flavours except the cream but not sure where to start.Will aim to make 10ml batches initially. Do you just take a concentrate an add a few drops to pg/vg mix them leave to steep, shake etc? I have 72% nic in pg which I understand I add later before vaping? had a ;look at a few calculators but if i read them right them want you to put how much % of flavour you want to add. I am using syringes to measure. I hope thats enough info for your thoughts. Thanks.
ps mouth to lunger at the mo but will drip to test flavour before adding nic.
Use a mixing calculator like this
Mixing single flavours is a good idea.
Using a dripper to test flavours is a good idea.
A bit of experimenting is required to find the right percentage of flavour for you.
Perhaps try !0% and !5% for your first test then adjust to taste.
Take notes so you can repeat.
Blending different quantities of your single flavour tests will tell you if flavours go together and what sort of proportions work.
These are just some random thoughts and different people develop different methods.
You may have to give your mixes some time to develop.
I find my baccy mixes take a few days but others think a week or much longer.
I'd personally start at 10% concentrate, then work your way up from there. Most concentrates used as a single flavor work out to be around 15-20% in most cases.

Use the calculator as @oldhippydude mentioned for now, then once you get familiar you can try to mix up recipes that include many different concentrates. Nicotine you can chuck in straight away, in my eyes it gives it more time to disperse into the mix evenly. If you add it before vaping, then theres a good chance it hasn't mixed well.

Remember as a basic, Desert/Tobacco flavors may take a week or longer to steep to full potential, whilst fruit flavors can be vaped pretty much right away, though steeping for a few days is normally recommended.
I also add nic even in test mixes. My reasoning being it is part of the flavour.
I am going to vape it anyway.
Fa ry4 and golden rollie are both strong, I don't mix mine above 3% even as single flavour.
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