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Any vanilla vapers?


Sep 29, 2022
Hi there, I'm looking for pointers on the best vanilla recipes and combinations.

I have a few mixes steeping at the moment in small quantities so I may have something waiting but has anyone found the perfect creamy big vanilla hit? I know this might sound boring to most but I love it.

I have various vanillas from various suppliers, bavarian cream to french vanilla and a few ice creams.

I basically want a mcdonald's milkshake with a 100% pg nic shot in it.

Any ideas or links are greatly appreciated.
I have made a few based from there, thanks.

Do you think making them 50/50 would make any difference and MTLing them? 70/30 is a bit cloudy and pisses me off. Do I have to adjust the flavour or is it just a case of changing the base?
I've usually got one or all of these on the go (found variously around the web)

Vanilla Creme Brulee

Custard (Inawera) 3%
Creme Brulee (Inawera) 2%
Shisha Vanilla (Inawera) 1%

Do You Vape Vanilla Custard All Day?

Custard Premium (Flavour Art) 6%
French Vanilla V2 (Capella) 4%
New York Cheesecake (Capella) 2%
Cotton Candy (The Flavour Apprentice) 0.5%

4 Banger Custard

Butter Cream (Capella) 5%
Vanilla Ice Cream (Liquid Barn) 4.5% *
Vanilla Custard v1 (Capella) 5%
Vanilla Swirl (The Flavour Apprentice) 4%

*I have to use Vanilla Ice Cream because all other Vanilla Bean Ice Creams taste of pepper to me, You can use any VBIC instead
You reminded me I have some FLV smooth vanilla in stock and haven't used it yet.

It was expensive as fuck. Apparently it's very strong.

I love vanillas but I usually add them to tobacco... so I'm not sure how much help I'll be but my all time favs are:

Vanilla Tahity (FA) smells like plasticky rubber doll's heads but tastes nice and different from all the other vanillas.
French Vanilla Deluxe (TPA) smooth and creamy - Important note this is NOT French Vanilla DX
Shisha Vanilla (Inawera) nice classic vanilla taste
Vanilla Bourbon (Vaniglia) (FA)

If you find recipes that have those in then I would think they would be nice. I think it must be a fairly easy flavour to make though as most I've had have been nice. I'd be more concerned in getting the 'milkshake' bit right

Vanilla Swirl might be a good bet because to me that tastes just like whippy ice cream.
I usually drop a bit of tobacco in there too, vanilla features in everything I do tbh.

There's literally hundreds to choose from and I'm amassing quite a few but every recipe seems to suggest more. It becomes a bit mind boggling, hence this post.

It doesn't have to be a milkshake recipe, a mcdonald's milkshake is just the best vanilla flavour I could think of describing over a custard based flavour. Saying that I do have a bottle of milkshake flavour and malted milk. As well as flv sweet cream.

I've done some reading on different vanillas and what they bring but I'm still not sure in practice and just chuck stuff together and leave it to steep as long as I can hold off.
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