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Review First look at the Sigelei 30w


Apr 3, 2014
I popped into the new B&M Evapor store in Swindon today.

As I was flush with birthday money, I decided to purchase myself the very new Sigelei 30w. As far as I know, these are the only people currently stocking this device as it is so new.

It appears to be broadly similar to the 20W device in terms of functionality, as as these have been reviewed to death by people far more competent than me, I shall restrict this to a brief collection of pictures.

If you wish to learn how the software in SX based devices works, I suggest you look at pbusardo's video:

I am a noob, as this is my first mod.

The device appears to be extremely well made, the threading is for me quite simply superb. The finish appears to be a vapour blasted stainless steel, with various polished sections. I was particularly impressed with the adjustable bottom cap which allows you to compensate for different depth batteries.

Obviously, as a 30w device, this is only intended to be used with 18650 batteries, and I also purchased a couple of Efest 35A batteries.

The box

Opening the box

Instruction booklet

First look out of the packaging


510/Ego thread

Adjustable bottom cap (disassembled)

First power up

First power up(cont)

Initial setup (30w)

Ready to Rock

And how does it work?
OMFG is all I can say so far as a complete mod noob. Its certainly a heavy device and if you dropped this on your foot, you would be hopping around for 20 minutes going "FFFFFFFFFF"

I have a 1.5 ohm voodoowool build in this, and I am only rocking it at 7 watts and it produces monster amounts of vapour!
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I have been thinking of getting this, as I do not prefer a box mod.

I don't know how reliable it's going to be, but it looks mechanically well made.

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
I haven't seen horror stories about similar products buy this company, so I'm expecting it to be decent for reliability.
I also haven't looked for bad reviews either though.
Another cracking write up, and pics mate, nice work!
That does look really nice.
Makes me wonder if it's really worth faffing about with mech mods and sub ohm builds when you can just whack up the power with a flick of a switch.
It's what I like about my VW mods, I can fine tune them to whatever juice, or mood, I'm in.
I don't really like the look of those big, boxy devices though (just personal opinion,) this looks like it could be best of both Worlds?
There is a problem with this mod...

I bought the 30w a few weeks ago (strangly mine doesn't have the big logo on it) from MyEpack. While taking the dog for a walk it 'bent' in my pocket, the week point is the polished ring just above window, Sigelei in their wisdom have decided a pressure fitting here is a good idea.
Every now and then it bends again and sometimes even comes apart.
I'll need to get some thread glue on it or something for a more permanent fix.
That is however the only thing wrong with it the chip itself works really well and other than the bendy bit it is solidly constructed, I've got the 26650 tube on mine which makes it rather large (the 18650 tube was on it when it first bent)

I put the following review on MyEpack but they didn't make it public..

[h=2]SIGELEI 30W[/h] [h=3]Your Rating:[/h]
Would Recommend
Your Review (submitted on 1 July 2014): Had this for a week now and although it is a fantastic mod there is an Achilles heel whereby the top part comes loose.
The chrome ring above the window is pressure fitted so after some time in the pocket it does "bend" and the window glass will then spin along with the lower chrome ring above the button.
I finally plucked up the courage to ease the whole top section off earlier and there are 2 soldered wires feeding the 510 connector so it is safe to carefully remove if you're having the same issue as me, I found a smart thwack with a hammer with the mod between 2 pieces of wood will remedy the looseness for a while but it will come loose again.
If you're looking for a solidly built mod then this is not it.
The guys at MyePack have received 2 emails from me regarding this issue and have ignored both, which is a bit perturbing as I've spent hundreds of pounds with them :(

Hope this helps- wish I'd read this before I bought it
I have experienced the looseness. Take the atty off, turn the device upside down and firmly push it vertically down on a work surface to push it back.
To be honest I think its a good idea as if you drop the device, this apparent weak point dissipates the force and protects the 510 threading.

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
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