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First time dripper, RDA advice

lemon80. If you look closely at the pics Matt has on M-Vapes showing the deck on say the APO. You can see three things. The centre post and the two negative posts. That little rim that runs around the edge of the deck is the edge of the juice well. With something like that you aren't going to be putting more than 6-8 drips in the thing. Otherwise the juice starts to run out the airholes.

Now if you go to Grey Haze and look at the pictures of their Veritas clone it has two very deep wells. You can get about 10-12 drips in that. Go and look at the Magma and that thing is probably about 18-20 drips. All drip figures are approximations.

The deeper the well the less time you'll spend taking off the top cap and refilling it. But if you want to say swap between many flavours the smaller juice well might suit better.

Oh you can change it out sort of. But you either vape it off or wash it down the sink. Something with a small well you're can vape it off in mere minutes.

What I do when I swap flavours is vape off the last juice. Then rip out the wick. Wash. Dry with kitchen towel. Pulse the coil by pressing the fire button for short periods of time until it glows evenly again. That takes the gunk off the coil. Blow the coil to get any residue off. Then I rewick and refill with another juice.

You can fire it even with cotton wick and this dries the wick out but you need to be careful because the wick can catch fire so that means only pulsing the thing gently. If it does spark up, blow it out. Don't panic its just the cotton getting incredibly dry. Doesn't always taste very good for the first few vapes when swapping over but then it tastes fine after that. Only liquids that typically need a complete wash and rewick are things that taint the rda with their flavour such as menthol, aniseed especially. In most cases it goes away.

You know to drip because typically you can taste the cotton. Also vaping production drops and flavour is lost.
@Chris_vapehead The APO looks nice. Didn't like the full copper ones, but as it has copper and steel, it's a nice balance for me. Sorry for being terribly thick, and I know we're on page 4 of this thread now, but I have some basic questions: When I first considered dripping, it was simply so I could change and try different flavours quicker. I don't really understand what the juice well is. I mean I think I do, just not sure, so could someone explain it to me. I thought a dripper had at the bottom a coil and you drip juice onto it. All this 'you can use for 1 hr coz it's got a deep juice well' is confusing me. I take it you can't change flavours if you got loads in this juice well thing, until it's used up?

Also another newbie question I shouldda asked earlier: When you drip onto cotton and the juice is gone, won't the coil burn the cotton straight away? How is it that you know you need to drip again before the coil burns the cotton? And if the answer is because the flavour starts to mute, then another question: If you then add a new flavour, won't it interact with the old flavour unless the cotton is bone dry. I'm so used to tanks, I just don't get it, lol.

Thanks for the vednor recommendations. I've used Voodoowool from Stealthvapes but found it to be rubbish for me. Seem like a decent vendor though. I'll check out the other vendors.

Thanks again,


I'm quite enjoying the thread :) I am learning stuff too, it is always interesting comparing notes and sometimes threads like these are great for it. A lot of what we were gabbling on about earlier will make more sense once you have actually got your hands on a dripper and used it for a bit, but if my learning curve is anything to go by the 'head air' experience will have been well worth while :)

I do own a dripper which has no juice well at at all (octopus) it leaks like a sieve with even a small amount of juice in it.

With a dripper you can choose to over drip and fill the well, or just soak the cotton it is up to you. Even if there is a bit left in the well when you change flavours you could wipe it out where as in an equivalent tank you might have several ml of juice to deal with.

In reply to question 2, because it tastes funky, it is obvious, you won't miss it after the first couple of times. If you go too far you do get a burnt flavour, but you definitely get a funky flavour first. Yes you can get a small amount of cross contamination, I often choose to rewick because of this but I don't know if that is weird of me, however rewicking is sooooo easy that I just do it. I can dewick, dry burn and rewick in less time than it used to take me to roll a fag so why not.
Diche Yeah it will make more sense once I actually have a dripper. I love the look of the Magma black version. Think that'll go well with my MVP 2 hunter edition. Sometimes that final choice will come down to 'it'll look good on my mod' haha. None in stock though, oh well.

Yeah emptying out the kayfun, cleaning it, putting it all back together, done that enough times. A dripper rewick will be a breeze in comparison. I've gotten the kayfun built nice now, was a learning curve but to me it's all about the wicking and handling the cotton right.

Chris_vapehead Thanks for that. Honestly I don't entirely get it yet but I'll understand, but I think I will when I have a dripper. Does the wick lie in the juice well then, or is the wick fed, that's what I don't get as well. Anyway I'll figure it out when I get one I'm sure. Thanks for the tips.

Does anyone know where the black magma clone is in stock? A decent clone. Is the one by SXK the one to go for?
I've decided to go for the Magma black version, though I am slightly concerned about it leaking.
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@lemon80 Depending on how the juice well is made on the rda the wick either lies in it or is wicked down into a deeper one. Here is a picture of a typical rda deck with a very small well. Picture was sent to me by my friend @Tutterz when I was first learning.

Oh and I would buy a stainless rda myself. Black painted stuff always flakes like hell. My black copper Stingray mech lost 75% of its paint in under a fortnight. ;)

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Does anyone know where the black magma clone is in stock? A decent clone. Is the one by SXK the one to go for?
I've decided to go for the Magma black version, though I am slightly concerned about it leaking.

Elegant Vapour have the SXK Magma in stock. I've used that vendor once, this week in fact. But I was ordering an SXK Stingray X. Product was delivered quickly with no issues at all. SXK are a manufacturer that produce a lot of clones. As far as I understand it Infinite buy their stuff from them and others and simply rebrand and repackage it. I could be wrong but everything I read suggests Infinite is more of a trader than a manufacturer. So likely the SXK Magma and the Infinite one are one and the same. :)

Grey Haze have the Infinite one but you will pay considerably more for it. (Paying for the Infinite name and box).
lemon80 That's weird it just says SXK when I look at it. Never heard of Ivago. Unless the Stainless one is SKX and the black one is Ivago. You can always contact them and ask. They are usually pretty fast. If not 100% sure about it then don't buy it.
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