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first time mixer

As said, fruit flavours are basically good to go as soon as you've mixed them up but anything that is lets say dairy type ie: custards, creams then they benefit from a good steep for anywhere from 3+ weeks usually around the 5 weeks mark, and forget all this leave cap off for few days etc thats floats around on net as that bollox! All you have to do is if your steeping a juice just give the bottle a little shake every day.
Plus what ever you mix up write it down what you used and % of each flavour as you just might come across a mix that you really like and is an ADV for you

Sent from a vape cloud using Planet of the Vapes

agreed joe lid on lid off what a load of shite. bottle it shake it leave it and repeat. whent through all the different ways when i first started and none made any differance.
for now i have got RY4 and blueberry and nic will be 72mg pg
the bluberry will be vapeable soon as youve mixed i would imagine the same for the tobacco but i dont use tobaaco sorry.
thank you all for the advice i will be making 12mg i was wrong with the nic tho it is 72mg but vg not pg
how did we all get on with this as I love the original but would very much like to make my own 'homage' to it :)

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