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First try with tc, no likey

Don't forget the atty needs to be at room temperature when you register the resistance - if it was a little warm then you will get an extra hot vape even at your "normal" setting, let the atty cool and the re register the resistance before you do anything drastic...
The Pico does good TC, but it's probably got the wattage set to the full 75w in TC mode which doesn't work too well on Joyetech boards... drop the wattage down to around 30w (or possibly a little lower with your coil, I use claptons) Also make sure you lock the resistance before you start, and make sure the TC is set for SS not Ni or Ti.

If you're still constantly getting temp protect warnings then you either have too much wick, or your initial resistance is being read a teeny bit on the low side from my experience. If it feels like a volcano then your initial resistance reading is probably too high.

I set my coils for about 240celcius... the temp displayed on a Joyetech board will bounce all over the place, ignore it set your temp and mess with the wattage until it feels/tastes right.

For TC it really doesn't matter if your coils are spaced or not, I use contact coils all the time, however it's probably not as accurate with contact coils. It all comes down to personal preference. Either way you definitely need to make sure there are no hotspots before you start or TC will go beserk.
I'm surprised 330f feels too warm but appreciate everybody is different. I use a spaced Stealthvape Nife30 coil in my Corolla 1.5s at around 380f and think it's cooler than kanthal and wattage at 15w!

In my other tanks I run the same coil at between 400 and 420f and again find it cooler or about the same as 15w.

I think I have gone up in temperature though, sure I started around 340f.
I'm surprised 330f feels too warm but appreciate everybody is different. I use a spaced Stealthvape Nife30 coil in my Corolla 1.5s at around 380f and think it's cooler than kanthal and wattage at 15w!

In my other tanks I run the same coil at between 400 and 420f and again find it cooler or about the same as 15w.

I think I have gone up in temperature though, sure I started around 340f.

I don't know about moley but I usually vape right down around 10w. (in power mode)..... so that might be something to do with it.

The reason I like TC now is that I like to take really long draws, if I turn the temp up I just find myself talking shorter pulls....which feels less satisfying to me. I guess it's less about temperature and more about how quickly I get a mouth full of vapour.
I had mistakenly left the wattage at 75, dropped it down and it's perfectly fine at 400f

I just wish my pico squeeze did tc as I can imagine that would be perfect!
Yes thanks all involved, typical man thing and didn't read the manual, didn't realise you could lower the watts! [emoji85]
Lovely vape if a little metallic tasting, could this be the ss?
Yes thanks all involved, typical man thing and didn't read the manual, didn't realise you could lower the watts! [emoji85]
Lovely vape if a little metallic tasting, could this be the ss?

Shouldn't be but I think Stealthvape's Nife30 is the best TC wire.
you kept this very quiet!!

any other sins you wish to confess to me young man...

lol, I bought it ... didn't like it, put it in it's box on the self. ... I 'kept it quiet' because there was nothing to say other then 'meh'
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