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First variable voltage?

If you fancy something a bit different - have a look at my VV tins. I started making them to give folks a chance to try VV at a reasonable price. If you fancy a tin, drop me a PM and I'll do you a much better deal than on the site. They're a bit quirky, so may not be what you're looking for, of course.

By the way, just to reassure everyone, this is not a way of me touting for business it is a genuine offer to a new user. I am no longer a "Vendor" on UKV and am a mod maker here on PoTV with the full agreement of the site admin team. I am currently working on a "showcase" site to refer people to, rather than a "store" type site to avoid looking like Arthur Daley!

All the best,

HMm .. interesting! odd .. but nicely quirky! Shall put it under my consideration :)

let me know if you need help with the site (or anyone for that matter)... thats my job

If you can wait a few months, Volcano ecigs are releasing the official Lavatube 2.0 which they have redesigned from the ground up. It looks good and doesn't have the grotty red display (now blue).

It will unscrew in the middle- no more endcap issues. The button has the five click on/off. Initially it will come in gunmetal and black. Later, it will be in red, blue and hot pink.

I would go with the twist as a starter, to make sure higher voltage vaping is something you will like (i am sure you will)

Most people like VVing around 4v to 4.7v (from what I remember on OTHER forums) so the twist can give you that at the fraction of the cost.
doesnt the twist only go upto 4 or so ?

I may hang on and see what I can find at vapefest :)
JimmyJack from Alba Vapours made me a very nice VV box that well out performs lavatubes. It will long outlive one too. Give him a shout :)
The only budget vv device available that did the job when I first ventured into vv was the Lavatube. It still holds good and I would recommend one to anybody.
Having said that, if the ego twist had been around at that time I am sure that is where my money would have gone. I like the simplicty of the Twist, it just adjusts the voltage and nothing more.
im gonna hang on and see what I can pick up at Vapefest :)
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