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fist time mixing what do I need pls.


Apr 19, 2015
Ok so I have seen the diy kits and have a rough idea of what I need But I have a couple of questions.

I was thinking of mixing 80/20 vg/pg is this ok.

Next I see you can get the nicotine either pg or vg based which would you recommend and why.

I will mainly be going for a menthol based adv. And a custard based evening vape.

Any help and suggestion on good concentrate for the above flavours greatly appreciated.


Ok so I have seen the diy kits and have a rough idea of what I need But I have a couple of questions.

I was thinking of mixing 80/20 vg/pg is this ok.

Next I see you can get the nicotine either pg or vg based which would you recommend and why.

I will mainly be going for a menthol based adv. And a custard based evening vape.

Any help and suggestion on good concentrate for the above flavours greatly appreciated.



So i dont any problem with having 80vg/pg mix, the diffrence from vg and pg base is minimal really, diffrence is pg has a greater throught hit and it will last longer if frozen and will carry flavour slightly better, vg is really smooth and thicker consistencey.
Menthol vapes depends are you wanting signature flavours or to create your own flavours from scratch?
Hi if your mixing 80/20 you'll be needing vg nic or you won't be able to get that ratio as your concentrates are mostly pg and if your mixing at 80/20 that's all the pg you'll need. If you like the menthol maybe red Astaire by t-juice I know is popular ,I don't touch menthol sorry , Capella custard is a lovely one you may want some vanillin and French vanilla to mix with, have a look on here in the mixing section for recipes though I would start with one shots there's plenty of them to choose from. Maybe some menthol lovers can help you more, your juice will be thick at 80/20 but fine if your tanks can cope a little distilled water can be added if not :)
My first high VG mix with just menthol solidified, seemingly crystallising... a bit of PG sorted that but presumably I could have used distilled water which I may get around to trying at some point, should help for more stealth by reducing visible vapour.

Nicotine is supposed to last longer in PG but if you want 20% PG then it makes sense to have VG nicotine as most concentrates are suspended in PG.

Regardless, if you're still working stuff out then don't over commit on quantity in terms of purchases or test bottles until you're sure of what you want.
Have a looksee thro' this for ideas and inspirations - e-Liquid Calculator

Certainly have a good idea of what you want to make so you don't end up buying concentrates you might never use again.
VG nic will give you the 80/20 ratio, but if you're using a tank a 70/30 will work better.
PG nic can be stored in a freezer for stockpiling!!
Start simple, 1 or 2 flavours, see how you go with that, then let loose your inner 'chef'.
Do write down what you did - quantities, bottle size - so when you get that recipe just right you can easily reproduce. My Keith Floyd approach has some positives, but I'll never get that Ginger mix again....:17:

Everything liquid seem to be the best one stop for nic, VG and PG. Bottles too. £20 for 250ml of VG nic isn't too bad. Chefs Vapour for concentrates as there is a forum discount.

Capella Custard with a vanilla, a cream and a dash of strawberry is not a bad way to fog the room in the evening.
Oh, and finally, custards do benefit from at least a month in a dark drawer with regular shoogling.

All the best, you'll have plenty fun.
Thanks for the reply guys looks like I may be better going 70/30 then . Would I still be better getting vg based nicotine then ?
You can use total of about 12% PG flavouring with PG base nicotine to get an 80VG mix.

For 90VG though you could use 2% PG Flavouring.

Ive made, 80VG with PG based nic. All it means is you'll go through more pure VG to get the ratio.
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