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Fixing the Vamo

I haven't used my Vamo much recently since the connector issue where the silicon grommet decided to go AWOL. I got around that and replaced it with some fiddling. One of the buttons decided to stay partly depressed but it didnt seemto affect anything. Now the screen readout has gone tits up. Every digit displayed is either a three without the central bar ending up like ] or 8. It still works but I've no idea what the Vs or Ws are and can't check resistance etc.
Given I have 3 other VV mods this one is heading bin wards without too much despair given its budget @£40 price.
I'm getting problems attaching Vivis. I change clearos a lot and while I'm very careful not to overtighten it's still seems easy to damage the threads on the Vamo (I've had it about a month). Some screw in fine, others won't go on at all. Most end up a bit wonky bit still vape ok so I can live with it. I've enjoyed vaping with it and it's definitely a step up from the Egos I'm using, but I don't think I'd buy another.
Try stealth vape http://www.planetofthevapes.co.uk/forums/showthread.php/12382-Knackered-the-threads-on-your-vamo

Yes I've seen them and may end up getting one. However I've actually used the faulty Vamo as justification to myself - not the wife yet, I'll cross that bridge when I come to it :umm: - that I need to buy myself a better quality mod, so have pre-ordered a Diablo.
I'm bad, I know :flames:
I've had the same problem with my screen out of the box. It was murder getting the top off. I didn't fancy messing around sending it back to VaporBreak so they are sending me a new board out (at least I think it's the board they are sending). It's on its way so should be here next week.
But the top is really chewed up, so I may get one from Stealth Vape. I'm not looking forward to soldering the new board in though.

Further to this. This thing's a bit too techy for me as it means i have to take the vamo apart (or at least fiddle around with it which I'm trying to avoid). Would buying a 510 to 510 connector, assuming I could get the connector to screw in of course, do the same job, which is basically attaching Vivi Novas? Mini Novas fit fine as it is, but it's pot luck with the Vivis. I'm not bothered about the looks.
Further to this. This thing's a bit too techy for me as it means i have to take the vamo apart (or at least fiddle around with it which I'm trying to avoid). Would buying a 510 to 510 connector, assuming I could get the connector to screw in of course, do the same job, which is basically attaching Vivi Novas? Mini Novas fit fine as it is, but it's pot luck with the Vivis. I'm not bothered about the looks.

Yes that would work fine, a guy on another forum had trouble with the connector fitting as his was that bad, he got round it by wrapping a tiny bit of tin foil round one end and then screwing it in, good luck bud :)
The top of my vamo got mullered trying to get it off, ended up drilling a hole in a block of wood and wiggling it off that way. Anyhow it was a total waste if time as the problem was the rubber grommet around the +pin, replace this and no more 02 or hot case issues.
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