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FlavourArt open - Now open all vape shops.


New Member
Mar 24, 2020
FlavourArt UK is trading as normal, well as normal as can be. We have been busy and expect that to continue if vape shops are not allowed to open. However, we urge everyone to write to their MP and push them to open vape shops as essential suppliers. I have pasted a letter below which can be used for ideas. We might be seeing some benefit to our business with the closures, but our aim is to see shops open to provide a service, the reasons are below. We must stick together and push hard through what are going to be very challenging times. We don't want to see anyone suffer or go out of business, we had enough of that with the TRPR.
Thanks, John Chamley, FAUK. flavourart.co.uk

In light of the closures of non-essential shops, I would like to ask you if vape shops are included.
I ask because of the potential harm to the estimated 3 million UK vapers if they cannot obtain their supplies
and are thus tempted back to smoking tobacco products, which present an even greater danger if people
are confined to their homes, are under greater stress because of health and work worries, and might be
suffering from compromising respiratory issues. It was published recently that smokers are at greater risk
of serious illness if they contract the Covid-19 virus, so it makes good sense to keep as many ex-smokers/vapers as safe as possible by not pushing them back towards tobacco smoking.

In Italy, vape shops and businesses have been allowed to remain open, along with tobacconists, so vapers
have a choice to continue not smoking; we know that vaping is at least 95% safer than smoking, so it is in
the best interest of public health to allow vape shops to open, but with stringent procedures in place to
ensure their safe, clean operation, and distancing of both staff and customers.
I have pasted a link below which explains the science and sense in more detail.

The NHS advises smokers to make the transition to vaping, let’s not put any more strain on their already
overworked staff and resources. This request is not just about making money, it is about changing lives
for the better, and maintaining the status quo so that vapers are able to better protect themselves.
We are not just ‘poor addicts’ as many perceive us – they might know what smoking/vaping is, but they
don’t know what it is like, to many it is a pleasure and vaping offers a far safer way to enjoy that pleasure.
Please give this your consideration and communicate the ‘request’ to the relevant department.

“A Scientist Persuaded Italy to Exempt Vape Shops From COVID-19 Lockdown"

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