Oh, love my coffee - ideally the real thing, but a good strong coffee vape in a DCT is great for a strong hit that banishes the cravings.
I've always liked butterscotch & toffee, so as it happened, I ordered a good range of those types of flavours - but it's surprising how many people do like the toffee/banana/custard blends. Don't know what it is, but they just seem to go well with vaping.
On the flip side, other flavours I love to eat either do nothing for me or remain an occasional break from the very sweet stuff. I really like apple, cherry and melon flavours in sweets, but I don't go crazy for them in ejuice. It's improved with buying the Fantasy Fudge/Nanny Bakes Kitchen flavours, as theirs are more realistic than many others I've tried, but the straight fruit flavours remain occasional vapes.
Having said that, FF Irish coffee is devine without any additional blending