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Focus On - Buttered Bush! 100ml and 50ml Deals ...


Super Moderator
Staff member
Jul 18, 2012
Manabush Eliquid - Tobacco E-liquid and Vape Juice
Buttered Bush restock in 50s and 100mls
Hiya All!
This weeks focus is on Buttered Bush! our Collaboration with Jamie Van Dyke.
We have just restocked 100mls and 50mls of this beloved if contentious e-liquidwhich is reminicient of a certain kind of hard boiled sweet.
The price has been cut for the summer with 100mls now at 14.97 (or 2 for £25) and 50mls at £8.99 (or four for 20% off).
If you have not tried this surprsing e-liquid, now may be a good time to give it a go.
Or why not try the original Buttered Nips from Van Dykes E-liquid.
Have a great rest of week everyone.
The Manabush Team.​

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