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Foggy Day in London Town....


Aug 20, 2017
(opens window).....Oh, not the weather then...?

Hi All
Quick hello from me, joined today after lurking in the forum libraries for a bit. POTV has been a great help in getting help and info on all this, so thankee all!

New vapette\ist\er....no idea....just took it up three weeks ago as I couldn't justify £70-£80 per week on cigarettes any more, and the smell of stale smoke was getting just plain nasty. Last Marlboro Red a week ago, and the second last the week before that. I'm a happy bunny if it lasts :)

Having a great time MTLing, and occasional DTL. Sub-Ohming is certainly a whole nuther country! I'm no cloud chaser, but golly..... I've only modest kit compared to most of you oldtimers ( K3 kit, Nautilus Mini and Baby Beast tanks, and SMOK OSUB Baby 80w. I just ordered a COV Mini Volt v2 for a bit more stealth, plus it looks dead cute. Looking forward to that!)

I thus far use only tobacco liquids and some menthol ( HoL, Liquid Core and Black Note are my faves). I prefer to keep my eating and vaping separate lol!

Not much else to say, ' cept thanks again for all the help and advice I've found on this Planet. Nice to be here.
hello and welcome@steviebee, as you found out after your lurking,its a great place to learn
Thank you all for your welcome!

Today I have been mostly vaping BN Quadrant and HoL Cigarillos. And I gave away my nearly full pack of Marlboro Reds :D
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