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For anyone with an odd fetish

@SkyBlueJ This thread needs luverly pics of purple Stabwood SBS mods just to trigger a phrasing meltdown :2thumbsup:;):D
On an unrelated subject. If an anvil falls from the sky and lands on your foot turning it into a puddle of red pulp, that's not coincidence that's karma
Soz @PhilBox
@Phrasing . This is my one ...do you like it? :D
It's quite obviously not mine .....£189 FFS that shop must have HUGE windows
Here's a linky .....crimbo is coming :54:

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@PhilBox fuel up the chopper...... and where the hell did you leave my anvil?
What do you mean it's at the cleaners?
Ugh fine we can just buy a sack of bricks on the way.

Out of interest @gary68 where do you live?
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