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For anyone with an odd fetish

Still not put a battery in mine yet... just a tank on for a photo then back in its box to be nice and safe. How ironic if it was DOA this whole time. I'd probably have to not use the purple Bantam instead mate.
For those of you who thinks Andy’s ankles are a little too tame…

Still not put a battery in mine yet... just a tank on for a photo then back in its box to be nice and safe. How ironic if it was DOA this whole time. I'd probably have to not use the purple Bantam instead mate.
Pfft, colour coordinated. What even is that?!?! How do you know about it and I don't?!
I'm married mate, you soon get to learn what does and doesnt go together. After constantly being told you cant go out wearing that cause it doesnt match it starts to sink in lol
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@Richard Winter

Just to clear up any confusion, @PhilBox is my girlfriend, it's her mod, and her nails.
That's why the rest of these.......(trying not to swear)..... charming individuals.
Are constantly berating me in a thread which was supposed to be about @dovpo_uk and his demented immoral twisted ankle fetish. (no judgement Andy, whatever floats your boat)
@Richard Winter

Just to clear up any confusion, @PhilBox is my girlfriend, it's her mod, and her nails.
That's why the rest of these.......(trying not to swear)..... charming individuals.
Are constantly berating me in a thread which was supposed to be about @dovpo_uk and his demented immoral twisted ankle fetish. (no judgement Andy, whatever floats your boat)
Thank you for clearing that up.... You took the photo of your girlfriend, it wasn't your mod and nice nails lol. What threw me out was @PhilBox saying what is colour coordinated, that's a typical bloke comment. I will remember your the bloke and she is the lady.
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