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For those who drip

I have some vertabraid coils which are 3mm they should work well in dual or single TC because of they are wrapped. Think they will come in around .3 or .28.
I made it work, ohms to .16 and vapes great haha.
How come that works and doesn't block the juice travelling up the coils?

And have you ever thought of building and selling coils?
It's on a squonker, juiced from bottom. Verticals sing in some atties, really makes a difference from horizontal on the original Aromamizer.
Verticals will work either or as long as bottom of wick is well juiced. As I said I run verticals in a tank.
After first saturating your coil and wick when it comes time to drip do you drip on the coils, drip on the wick or just paint the whole lot?

Depends on the RDA, if it can be a bit spitty I drip right down the centre to the base for the cotton to soak up. If not spitty ill drop it on the coils aswell.

have recently started squonking though and wayyyy easier
Depends on the RDA, if it can be a bit spitty I drip right down the centre to the base for the cotton to soak up. If not spitty ill drop it on the coils aswell.

have recently started squonking though and wayyyy easier

will get into squonking at some point
I always thought no point in it. Normal use it doesnt really make any difference to me but see while driving or walking and not having to stop to get the bottle out etc is so handy! Would recommend.

yeah I see the benefits of not having to carry a bottle about and drip every few minutes. Having been looking at some but might wait a while and see if any new DNA squonks come out.
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